Interview #1 | @OnceUponALily

226 25 186

8th of July 2021

Author - OnceUponALily

Hi, please tell us a bit about yourself and how you came to know about Wattpad.

❛ Once Upon A Time in 1983, a young girl named Lily was born. Throughout her life, she knew she wanted to become a writer. And when she was in high school, she became a published poet. For several years, she'd written many novels in her notebooks, never caring to share them.

After marrying the love of her life and having a son, she discovered the online writing platform, Wattpad. She began reading books and then started writing her telepathic love story, TETHERED SOULS. She believed in diversity and unity and always hoped to bring people together through her novel. After rewriting her book twice, she's now rewriting it again, believing that 'third time a charm.

She's a friendly neighborhood Pisces with a heart of gold and big dreams. Her favorite thing to do when she's not writing is drinking hot coffee with a straw and not finding anything odd about it. She enjoys eating, sleeping, watching Aşk-ı Memnu and K-Dramas, and curling up with her black cat Nyx. ❜ Here . . . have a cookie! Thank you for reading! 🍪



On Wattpad ONLY, what do you notice first when you spot a story?
A) Cover. B) Title. C) Read/Vote Count.  
D.) Genre (What do you find appealing first?)

I look at B. If I notice the title sounding good, then I will click into the book and read the description. Then I'll check the cover, genre, and Read/Vote count. Read/Vote count is the last thing I care about. Many great stories may not have a large number of reads.


Where do you get your scene ideas for your stories? Normally, ideas come to me while I'm driving places. I pull over to the side of the road many times to make a note of what I thought. Sometimes ideas come to me via cooking. I'm not so happy when my food gets burned and I'm jotting down notes for my stories. Haha. 


What advice do you have for writers? It may seem impossible to write a story, but nothing is impossible. You can always edit written pages, but you can't edit a blank page. Keep going. You've got this! (This is coming from someone who's rewritten her large novel TWICE, and is currently rewriting it for the THIRD TIME!)


What do you think are common traps for aspiring writers? Writing quickly and not plotting everything through, via myself. I plotted what I wanted to do with my stories, but I still end up with holes and unrealistic scenes. I can always improve, though. 


Do you believe a big ego helps or hurts writers? I think ego's in writers can balance out. I, myself, suffer from having ego problems. I'm not afraid to admit that, but I never let it go to my head. And I embrace whatever comes my way. 


What is your writing Kryptonite? Your weakness? Ah! Writing characters and scenes that may be uncomfortable for some viewers. Causing readers to lose interest before they even hit the climax. It's tough for me to balance it all out.


Have you ever gotten reader’s block (unable to continue a story because of dissatisfaction halfway through it)? Nah! I try to finish every story I read. Even if I am disappointed or dissatisfied. I can't leave a book halfway. 

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