Interview #5 | @navyauthor

60 13 35

13th July 2021

Author - navyaauthor

Hi, please tell us a bit about yourself and how you came to know about Wattpad.

Hey! My name is Navya. I am a student and I like to write just so I can escape reality, even if it is just for a short period of time. My love for food and dogs are above and beyond. I spend most of my time trying to avoid the main issue in my life - studying. I discovered Wattpad on my own.



What has been your favorite memory in life?

The time I spent with my friends goofing around. It's one of those things that brings a smile to my face, even if I'm having a bad day.


What is the craziest/most daring thing you've ever done?

Sneaking out at night is definitely the most daring thing I do, but that aside I do some crazy things but they are not worth mentioning. This is lame, I know, but I'm 18 and I have just started living my life. So, I'll have to come back to this question in some years.


What talents do you possess that not a lot of people know?

I actually sing really well, but that aside I have the talent of sitting in one place and reading a whole Nancy Drew book in one day. Yeah, I love Nancy Drew :)


Which TV sitcom would you star in?

Honestly, I haven't seen any TV sitcoms, so I don't know. Yeah, I know Friends is a TV sitcom, but I haven't seen friends. (Don't come at me for this:))


Where do you see yourself as a writer in five years?

In five years, I would like my books to reach more audience, and I want to be better than I am now. I would like to believe that in five years my books won't have plot holes, and that my writing won't have typos. I would like to improve what is wrong with my writing right now.


If you could play a scene in a movie, what would it be and which character would you play?

Definitely Harry Potter. Scene? Pff. I want to do the whole movie. I'll definitely play Hermione Granger. (It's LeviOsa, not LeviosA - it's Ron's line. I know don't come at me.)


If you could make a difference in the world, what would you be known for?

Actually, there's a lot of things in which I want to make a difference, but what's more important to me is that I want people to treat each other equally and there shouldn't be any Black Lives Matter. All lives matter and we should consider everyone equal. Treating someone differently just because they look different is a really messed up thing, and I want to change that.


What would you rather do - perform in a circus or in an aquatic dance group?

Definitely perform in a circus. It matches more of my vibe, and it would be fun. Yeah, aquatic dance group sounds nice and elegant and graceful, but where's the fun in that?


If your favorite author decides to fund your all expenses paid one week trip to anywhere, where would you go and what would you do?

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