Interview #3 | @jdoggy

87 19 24

9th of July 2021

Author - jdoggy

Hi, please tell us a bit about yourself and how you came to know about Wattpad.

Hello, I'm Jayson. I'm an adult writer, reader, researcher, adventurer, and travelerI was told about Wattpad by one of my friends at work.



Does writing energize or exhaust you? Writing energizes me when I write.


What is your writing Kryptonite?
Ah, writing the right tense in scenes and world building.


As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal? I would say animal Owl because they watch and observe like authors learning how other writers craft their work.


How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have? Most of books are published. I have seven half finished book, currently still writing Dicing with Death, The Hour of the Spy, and The Assassin A Ryder. Jackson is a short story, action stand-alone spy thriller, with a HeadShot Directive.


How do you select the names of your characters? I usually think of cool names or Google badass names for my spies and assassins. Sometimes my followers would suggest a name for their character.


What was your hardest scene to write in your stories? The hardest scene for to write in my books is showing my character's emotions.


How long on average does it take you to write a book? It depends on what I'm doing. If I'm reading, then maybe a few days, or a couple of months.


What is your favorite word, and why?Favorite word would be awesome. It sounds cool.


If you were to write a spin-off about a side character, which would you pick? I would pick Summer Anton in my book because she's an orphan. It's an interesting idea.


If you could spend a day with another popular author, whom would you choose? Authors, preshivipes, or  SydPanda5.


What part of the book did you have the hardest time writing? The action scenes and describing them. 


What part of the book was the most fun to write? That would be the action scenes and the reaction of the characters.


If you could meet your characters, what would you say to them? I definitely would want to meet to "Lex" and ask what is it like working as an agent for the Alpha group.


How long have you been writing or when did you start? I have being writing for a long time. I started writing on Wattpad in 2011.


What advice would you give to a writer working on their first book? My advice would be to read to lot. The more you read, the better you write. Do not give up. I know it can be hard when you're stuck, but think about your book. You know your characters need to take a break, but then go back to work.


What comes first for you — the plot or the characters — and why?Usually the plot first, then the characters or vice versa.


How do you develop your plot and characters? I usually develop the plot from doing research, or some place I went on a cruise to.


When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer? When I first started reading and wrote my story, I loved the creating process of a new book. For the readers, seeing their
reactions and the characters was a highlight to me. I am honored by their remarks.


Where do you get your information or ideas for your books? I usually get my information and ideas from doing research, and reading about real life spies or the locations for it. Not to mention the weapons they'd use. The rest I leave to my overactive imagination. Haha.


What do you like to do when you're not writing? I like to read a lot, watch Netflix, Prime, and go to the cabin I frequent.


What does your family think of your writing? They are happy that I'm writing and support my dream of one day becoming a famous author.


What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books? Choosing the right wording and editing. I am still learning new ways to do both.


As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up? I wanted to be a writer at a young age. Reading stories have always been facinating to me.


What are some comparison titles of books or movies similar to your stories? Orphan X, Mission Impossible, The Russian, The Grey Man, and The Bourne Identity. All of these resemble my style of writing.


What behind-the-scenes tidbit in your life would probably surprise your readers the most? I love to read, travel, and meet new people.


What other authors are you friends with on Wattpad, and how do they help you become a better writer?
preshivipes thehawk00 AuthorJMColes MichaelHoliday LeslieThroneberry RonASewell Their comments and feedback help make me a better writer by suggesting corrections in my stories, and by helping me learn where I went wrong at. I value what they say, and I am truly honored to have their guidance.

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