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After a few weeks of crying, binge eating and more crying stiles started to think about life
which was not a pretty thought for him

He thought about how short life could be and he thought about how alone he was he also thought about how he wanted someone to spend his life with

So he decided he was going to get off his ass and confront his feelings by telling the person he had fallen in love about his feelings for them

To say he was nervous would have been an understatement he was going to tell the person he had been crushing hard on for months he loved them

No one except his bestfriend Scott knew about his crush on brooding Derek Hale

Yes that was correct Derek Hale the big bad alpha of beacon hills

Stiles liked to think that his crush started when Derek was masquerading as his cousin Miguel and how Derek pushes him against his door

The way his big arms flexed holing him against the door his lightly stubbly face and those mesmerising green eyes

His crush for Derek only worsened over the time they spent together, the way stiles attention always focused on Derek if he was in the room

Stiles jumped off the couch and went straight for his shower after 30 minutes under the hot water with a bar of soap he felt nice and clean

Next he went to his wardrobe and picked out a white shirt then covers by his signature flannel with black jeans and converses

After changing combing his hair and applying deodorant he deemed him self ready

He looked in the mirror one last time before heading to his jeep driving to derek's loft

The great heartbreak of stiles Stilinski (sterek)Where stories live. Discover now