Friendly visit

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It was nearing the end of the holidays only 2 weeks left to be precise but stiles couldn't shake of the fact that after a few years he would be a full fledged adult it sent a shiver down himself, in others eyes he would be a mature adult but to the core he would be the mischievous child he always was.

Stiles was suddenly brought out of his mind when he heard his doorbell ring, curious as to who could be at his door, stiles left his kitchen and had the door handle gripped and when he opened it he was suprised to say the least.

Two figures stood at his door one male and one female, when stiles relised he was standing at the door not even attempting to let his guests him he gestured of them to enter the house when they did so and he closed the door he turned to face then getting ready for what he was going to say.

"Lydia what are you doing here! I wasn't expecting you" he said slightly happily as it was the first time someone came to visit him in his new house but that was kind of on him as Lydia was the only person from beacon hills who had his address and he hadn't made himself known in his new environment.

Lydia put on the signature friendly smile and said "I wasn't going to let the holidays go without visiting you, you should at least have some company other then your tv".

Stiles couldn't help but laugh a little at her snarky remark as it was just like her to make them but then he remembered he had another visitor which he was more shocked about.

"Ok but then what's he doing here?" Stiles asked in a confused tone, after taking a 1 second glance at the man standing beside her Lydia opened her mouth and said "he saw me leaving with a suitcase and followed me like a creep, I didn't even notice until I got out of my car and he was beside me" she confessed.

The man just said "well excuse me for being curious as to where you were going in such a hurry" he said trying to sound as if he cared about her with stiles doubted he did.

"Well anyways" the man said, then he turned to look at just stiles and said "why would you just leave without saying bye to" the last part came out in a more sad and hurt voice, stiles just sighed at said "I'm sorry Peter I just had to leave as quick as possible" he confessed

"I thought we were friends now thought you didn't even text or let me know you were leaving" this time Peter let his sadness show as he looked to the floor.

"We are friends but it just hurt to much and I knew you would try and convince me to stay, but I'm happy you came though even if it was in a stalkerish way" stiles said chuckling a little as did Peter.

"It's fine I forgive you" Peter said and smiled at stiles, stiles couldn't help it he let his face become a stupid grin and he hugged the other man, stiles was happy with himself as Peter hale was one of the most closed off people in the world but he let his emotions show to stiles.

In all honesty stiles and Peter and become quite close with one another before stiles left as everyone else didn't really trust or like him except stiles, he made an effort to try and know the older man which in turn payed off as Peter was letting his emotions show only if it was just as a tone in his voice.

After staying like that for a while they broke apart, well stiles did Peter was not so much happy with the fact that he did, stiles just looked up at him and said "you are a important person to me Peter I want you to know that and I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was leaving I just wanted to get away before anything else" stiles said, his face was a little broken and looking down to the floor.

Peter lifted stiles chin with a finger below it and made stiles look at him and said "i understand why you did it you don't need to feel bad but I did feel a little upset having to realise you left when you didn't show up for out weekly lunch date and having to follow Lydia" he said to him in a calm voice

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