Dirty Liar (Alexia Putellas x reader)

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Although you had already won the Champions league 5 consecutive times in a row you were determined to win it one time more.

When your contract ended for Lyon you decided to go where many greats were found plating for, Barcelona.  Messi, Piqué, Ronaldinho, and La Reina De Barca Alexia Putellas.


When you arrived at the hotel Jonatan Giráldez greeted you.

"Y/n Y/l/n Bienvenido! Welcome to Barca!" He grinned shaking my hand. "You're in luck, Y/l/n you're rooming with our caption Alexia Putellas.

 Shit. Oh holy mother of pearl save me from making a big giant gay mess of my self in front of La Reina De Barca.

"Great," I smiled while groaning internally.


"Hola Y/n! Welcome to Barca." My roommate welcomed me, kissing my cheek.

I blushed and thanked Alexia.

"Which bed is mine?" I asked her. In which she pointed to the bed closest to the door.

"Thanks." I smiled not quite showing my teeth.


Alexia Prov

I completely forgot to set an alarm. Mierda.

I threw on shorts, my Barca shirt and a random sweatshirt I found on the floor. I didn't know which sweatshirt I put on, but it was insanely comfy and warm.

As I walked into the dining room to eat breakfast Andrea started making an odd face. When I got closer I saw she was trying not to laugh. 

¿Qué pasa? ¿Por qué te ríes? What's up? Why are you laughing? 

"Nothing." She laughed "I just didn't know you played for the USA." 

"Qué?" I looked down and realized I, in fact, wore a black sweatshirt with USA in large letters with four stars on it.

Thats when Y/n Yl/n walked in. Our new American teammate she was cute, not going to lie. She was also extremely shy, but I've played against her nationally and I know for a fact she insanely confidant on the field. Y/l/n was an exceptional player and a superb teammate.

I saw her eyes travel down to my sweatshirt, a small smile trailing up her face. 

"I believe you have something of mine." She smirked strutting over to me. 

Dios mío that was hot.

With the same smirk she leaned over a chair and shamelessly checked me out. 

"Tie your shoes. I don't want you falling for anyone else." And with that she was gone. As was my respect of the mature adults on this team.

Mapi let out a string of curse words in delight

"Dude." Andrea started dying of laughter at my very red face

"I ship it." Jenni and Leila yelled out at the same time.

I groaned, not just because they were annoying, I made a fool of myself, but because I shipped it too.

I shipped Y/n Y/l/n and Alexia Putellas.


When it was time to train Y/n had gone to her usual shy demeanour and just went on with the work instead of complaining like the others had.

I couldn't stop staring at her, and my teammates noticed.

They teased me mercilessly as we walked back to the locker room.

Y/n didn't notice as she had headphones in.

The teasing ceased, but didn't stop. As I took off my kit I could feel eyes on me, making me rush and put on whatever clothes I had. I was the first on the bus and while I was waiting decided to pull up my hood and listen to music.

When we finally arrived at the hotel and we had all got off they decided to tease me again.

"I see you're a fan of the US now." Aitiana piped up

As I turned to look at her I realized I was still wearing Y/n's sweatshirt.

Great. Just great.


Y/n Prov

This soon became a thing, with Alexia wearing my clothes and me teasing her.

After a game against Atletico Madrid Jonatan asked Alexia and I go on media duty by starting an Intragram live.

"Hola chicos y chicas." Alexia started and I noticed with a smile she was, in fact, wearing my sweatshirt.

Just to tease her I decided to point it out.

"Is that one of my sweatshirts?" I grinned at her blush

"You mean our sweatshirts." She fired back.

"Our" I smirked

With that small conversation the fans went crazy firing out ship names, anon and announcing who the captions were of this new ship.

You looked at Alexia as she read the comments was blushing, you couldn't help but hold back a smile.


We won! We won the Champions League! I won it for the sixth time in a row. Pretty impressive, but nothing was as impressive as Putella's rocket penalty kick.

I ran up to Alexia who was holding the trophy, who was much to my chagrin was wearing my sweatshirt.

I grabbed her by the sweatshirt string and smashed our lips together. Immediately I felt her hands fall to my waist and neck.

The second our teammates noticed they ran up to us and sprayed champagne on us while the photographer took pictures.

When we broke apart Alexia had a grin so wide I never thought possible.


A couple hours later I noticed Alexia had posted an amazing picture of us kissing with Andrea spraying us with champagne. 

The caption said "Me até los zapatos"

"I tied my shoes"

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