First Time (Fran x Reader x Maren)

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hey! do you do poly? if so, can you do a fran x reader x maren fic? thank you so much!!

As a true Texan I have never seen snow before, but that was all going to change. It was in late November when I told my girlfriends Fran Kirby and Maren Mjelde that I had never seen snow before.

Well they were shocked to say the least.

Not even a second later did Maren jump up, grab my hand and told Fran to start the car. As confused as she was sh obliged, and the next thing I knew was that we were too driving to who knows where. Since Maren let Fran sit in shotgun (normally she wouldn't since Fran is partly the height of small child, "she had to be protected like on") they were whispering excitedly the entire time. 

We arrived at a ski store, and for a second my heart sped up to an unhealthy degree until Fran looked at me and measured me that we weren't skiing, we were only picking some stuff up.

I was still confused when Maren pointed to a ski shirt or what ever they're called, maybe ski overalls. I started to laugh when Maren pointed to the top of the rack to a shirt, and Fran tried to jump to get it. She couldn't though, and Maren wouldn't help her since she was laughing to hard. So I walked over to a pouting Fran, reached over to get the shirt and handed it to her after I kissed her to get her to stop pouting (even if it was cute).

When we FINALLY got home, Maren through the clothes at me and instructed me to get changed while they go get something. While they were gone I put on a fleece long sleeved shirt and pants with the ski overalls and a jacket with a hat and gloves as well. I had a feeling I new what we were going to do, but still wanted them to think I hadn't known what their plan was. 

When they came back they had a couple of bags full of stuff, but wouldn't let me see what was inside of them.

I played on my phone while they changed into winter clothes as well and when they were done they both took my hands to pull me back to the car. Now I was back at square one with what they were planning.

We stopped at a park that looked a lot like a winter wonderland. There were snow covered trees, a frozen lake with some hills surrounding it, and of course it was lightly snowing to top it off.

I noticed a couple people standing around staring at us, at first I thought they were just fans, but when we got closer they turned out to be our teammates and some friends. Magda, Pernille, Maria, Guro, Caitlin, Lia, Anna, Millie, Rachel and some others. 

"Surprise!" They shouted, while others threw snow at me.

I stared at them, and then slowly turned around to my girlfriends waiting for an explanation.

"Surprise!" Fran cheered tossing some snow in the air

"Since you never seen snow before we wanted to make it memorable for you." Maren explained while Fran dumped snow on me, much to everyone amusement as I yelped and jumped back. 

As you can see Maren is the nice one in this relationship.

Fran's mischievous, but nothing compared to Millie and RD3.

As soon as I bent over to get rid of the snow on my neck, they snuck up behind me and sent me rolling down the hill we, now they, were standing on.

When I finally stopped rolling down the hill I looked up to see some of my "friends" laughing while other ran/fell down the hill holding a giant sled yelling ambulance noises.

Much to my amusement they stopped in front of me, picked me up, put me on the sled and tried to carry me up the hill.

"Dang, I need to go to the gym more often" Anna complained

"Aw don't worry babe," Jill assured her girlfriend "I still love you the way you are"

"I wouldn't" Pernille muttered giving a teasing glance to Magda, immediately dropping her smile when Magda hit her.

"Use your legs ladies!" Rachel yelled

We kinda got to the top when they dropped, only for Maria to push the sled (still containing me) down the hill.

While Magda, Pernille, Maria, Guro, Caitlin, Millie, Rachel and others recorded my misfortune of choosing the wrong friends, my beautiful sweet girlfriends raced down the hill (again) to help me.

When I reached the bottom I saw some of my friends racing down the hill also in sleds laughing and bumping into each other.

The whole rest of the day was filled with laughter, snow ball fights, Magda being very competitive, and me seriously doubting my choice of friends.

After we said goodbye to everyone one Maren drove us home to make hot chocolate and s'mores for us to warm up with.

Fran got some blankets and a movie to watch while Maren brought out the snacks.

I couldn't believe how thoughtful my girlfriends were.

When they finished setting up they sat me down to cuddle with (Fran in the middle cause she's the shortest)

"So," Fran turned to me, wriggling her eyebrows "How was your first time."


"Violence Maren, we talked about this"


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