We all remember the first time watching the episode byebye butterfree. It is probable that this is THE best episode of the anime ever.
Anyone else cry watching this?
The first time I watched it I cry so hard I couldn't face my parents for like an hour, or my siblings because they would probably make fun of me for crying over Ashs pokemon.You know what I like?
The fact that they bring this up in a later episode. Generally they don't bring up the events of episodes after the season is over. Nonetheless, FOUR WHOLE REGIONS LATER!
If you don't know what episode I'm talking about its in Unova. Ash has finished traveling unova and beating the league. He, Cilan, and Iris are just traveling the islands. They find a island of migrating butter free. They are all metapods and right before they leave they evolve. But, there is one poor caterpie that have evolved yet. Ash has a whole moment. He decides to help the poor thing because he wants it to migrate and find a mate. I cried in this one as well.If u didn't notice I cry at anything just a little bit sad. Legit. I was watched ng a video and they mention ByeBye Butterfree, I started crying...
If u haven't watched it
Randomme talking about school and my weird friends and life and other crap I complain in here too