I love books. Books are wonderful things. I feel we are always learning things from books. Books are wonderful things.
(Sad topic ahead, so caution(ish), I cried thinking about this so if you are overly emotional like me, proceed with caution)
Recently (aka the past 3 hours) I read a really good book. It was one of those books that really made you think. It was about Jelly fish, and a girl who starts living a silent life after her best friend dies. Even though it was about a kid younger than me and the reading level was easy, it was still really, sad. My English teacher has an interesting taste in books, but this was a good one. It was really sad because I felt bad for this poor girl and how she was living, and the fact that it scared me. It mentioned her best friend a lot. Her best friend was dead. And that made me think, what if one of my best friends died. I know we all die eventually but, to die while you are kids? That would scare me, and make me incredibly sad. I would like to say that me face was wet from tears probably the whole time.
(BTW fiction book)Sorry for the unaccounted for weird chapter, I had to say something, a lot was on my mind about this book.
Rastgeleme talking about school and my weird friends and life and other crap I complain in here too