One day more

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I have one more acedemic day of school.
One day more is also my favorite song from les miserables


Ya, today my advisee group and two others are joining together for a breakfast!
Ehhh. Pancakes(I only really eat Swedish pancakes don't ask)

Then, my schools division has a huge barbeque

There will be cookies
Last year we got my vegetarian friend requiredinformation to eat a hotdog xp

Then we play field games
I signed up for volleyball, soccer and tennis
I only know how to play tennis of these three XD

Then we play a big game of capture the flag

Uhg it can be annoying

The guys think they're all that and cheat

They gonna be punched next time

I will admit I've punched someone to tag them....

Okie Bye!

(Not even gonna proofread)

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