so i live at a house with a lot of trees
That comes with the price of yard work....
So lets start by saying that right now I have a sore through, am coughing, and have a runny nose
then you add pollen and heat and its not fun
an hour ago my dad calls me outside to do yard work, a common task
Today it was reseeding parts of the lawn with no grass
so I get outside and my dad has this big gardening tool that has two sets of blades i guess for tilling the ground.
So hes loosened some parts of the ground to put seed in
so he starts and he hands it to me so i can keep going as he goes with the seed
Then my brother comes outside and holds the hose and waters after where we have been.
After a little digging into the ground a large gardening tool that weighs a few pounds in the sun can be hard, so I ask my brother,
'Can we switch'
he thinks for I second and then says no.
note: my brother is a few years older than me
So I'm walking carrying a giant gardening tool and tilling the ground.
Where there is two able bodies of guys who are older than me who can do it.
My dad is throwing seed
my brother is spraying a hose
and me
Im carrying a heavy gardening tool, bending over in the dirt, while I'm sick.
We go to cut down some ugly bushes and to drag them to the back of our property
Lets say that we were dragging them from the front, to the back of our property as well as
up a slight incline
and its not fun
and wood can be:
and not kind
So we drag all of this back and its hard because you want to get it done faster so you carry MORE branches making it harder to do
so now, i am covered in dirt, scratches and a few bleeding cuts from this not fun experience.
Today my mom said i should take it easy
Yesterday I went to a band and chorus competition and we won first in both for our categories!
for each category they had two kids go up as representatives and I got to group for chorus!
I got to hold a trophy
it was fun
I ate french fries and had soda
and I went on roller coasters because it was at amusement park
my friend and I spent like ten bucks trying to get at least five tickets at some game so we could win a pokeball plush....
It was thirty tickets for a large pikachu
and 20 for meduim pokemon
and then they had a bunch of states you could win for ten, THEy HAD PIPLUPS
we didn't get anything.....
it was sad
Im going to eat a popsickle
good bye
De Todome talking about school and my weird friends and life and other crap I complain in here too