Halloween and stupid children

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me being the child I am went trick or treating this weekend, i saw older kids so it was ok if someone was older than me XD

it was pretty fun though :)

Me and my friend were from your lie in April, my friend was sharknado, other friend was either a homicidal maniac(because they look like all the others) or batman- she wore street clothes and carried around a baseball bat, an my friends brothers were star wars people

we were in this really big neighbor hood so I ended up eating way to much candy in 12 hours that my body could handle so I got sick and all cold and it sucked.

but the plus side was we got my friend to watch Ouran high school host club 

needless to say we basically just screamed KISS KISS FALL IN LOVE all morning so that was fun.

then somehow I hurt my back and I couldn't sit up strait without feeling like I was being stabbed. SO I had to go to church for 2 hours and I was dying but couldn't do anything.

today at school I couldn't leave until late so I had to stay at this after school program that multiple kids refer to as hell. 

it was very bad.

they are supposed to give you snack like a good school but instead they give you three crackers

legit no joke so I just filled up on water

but what bugged me the worst was that they had a wii and these little kids were playing. SO they were playing Mario party 8 and they chose the worst stage possible

like how stupid r u


you gotta chose the koopa town with hotels or the train one, it's just what you have to do.


so hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

so my friend cut her hair and dyed it red so now we call her Rin

everyone comment saying hi rin , she'll see it XD

how r u guys

i'm good

sorry i haven't updated a lot, but if I can I will try to get the next chapter of one of my books done

so sorry



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