OK so I have an insanely easy Geo teacher who is just so boring it's... Ug. Me and my best friend sit in the corner of the class with some other nerds. All of us are interesting characters and we always talk in the beggining of class cuz the teacher is ALWAYS LATE. This is our set up:
Top Right:my best friend
Top left: Me
Bottom right: The nerdy kid who I'm just gonna call the flash cuz he's kinda into all those super hero's and he likes the flash as well
Bottom left: the other nerdy kid who in just gonna call batman cuz he is always saying he's batman, and this kid is insanely smart, like he's in the grade aboves geometry class, its just like...whoa.. U too smart.
One time in the being of class these boys(batman+the flash) were showing us how they had double jointed thumbs... I almost threw up, I mean it was disgusting. Then that started doing it in class and they got in trouble :p
Also, for school they give us gmail accounts and we use computers to do stuff on about everyday. About everyday, we get bored . so me and my friend use Google chat to talk to each other. He doesn't even notice! :D either
Rastgeleme talking about school and my weird friends and life and other crap I complain in here too