A Nostalgia strike hits different.

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The alarm clock programmed on my cell phone got me out of the darkness of the slumber...6:00 am. It's Saturday so...no school today, mentioning about school...school ends in a week, just a week more and the studying nightmare is over...for now. 

I got out of the bed and opened the curtains of the windows and saw the calming golden sunshine illuminating my face and that reddish ball of fire rising in the far horizon. 

I got a relaxing bubble bath for around...20 minutes,got dressed in my favorite clothes and went outside of my house in the morning, luckily my mother and my little sister are still asleep So I put on my forest green wireless earphones and this song played while going out of my house. 

''When I know that you hurt inside

And why'd you say: 

It's another day

Nothing in my way

I don't wanna go 

I don't wanna stay 

So there's nothing left to say'' 

Rice-Oxley, T. J. (2006). Nothing in my way [Online]. Island records. From: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uP-Kvvrq1Lg

«Not again...» I groaned when I heard that part of the song, then again the same feeling of yesterday returned. 

Then I felt something...Like a feeling that I am going to meet someone, but who? Again these feelings of future prophecies...

Then had a feeling about something in the lifetime and the life itself.

We repeat the routine over and over again and feel like you are trapped in a ''endless chain'' of encapsulated actions over time until something happens and breaks that ''chain''? and that breaks the ''chain'' are these moments are so few that resume our timeline until the present? 

So memories actually just... steps on the sand of the desert of life? 

I thought that when I saw my street and the people, the kids that are now teens like me and soon pass to the harsh adulthood, like that illusion that life is an adventure with its wonders to know more about as you grow it turns into an uncertain and redoubtable mystery. The people and the places once they filled us with feelings of wonder and joy are now...gone. 

And that feeling that a place that you've visited before is gone, or you forget them when the early life's memories are so blurry, Life has no perfect word to describe. 

Then suddenly found a golden coin on the ground, Interrupting my thoughts a strong and acrimonious smell filled the air. 

Then I saw a tar truck coming towards me, my eyes widened towards the machine, I ran but I tripped but suddenly the dirty machine stopped, I saw someone fall to the street drain and the lid closed by itself for an instant. I got up and ran to the sidewalk before the machine crushes me.

«''That was weird''»  I thought

''Oh no, mom will nag me if she doesn't find me at home!'' I said aloud while running to my house before mom and my sister found me out of home early. 

I opened the door and closed it loudly. Then found my mom going down the stairs with her light green pajamas with her light brown messy hair in a bun. 

-'' Good morning my beloved Olek, I see you got up early'' She greeted me.

-'' Oh, hello mommy. Are going to have breakfast right now?'' I replied.

-'' Yes, You are going to cut and squeeze the oranges while I make the hotcakes for you and your sister.''

After squeezed the oranges and poured the juice into a plastic pink pot, my mom served in a plate bunny-shaped hotcake on my plate, my sister came with her dark blonde hair tied up with a ponytail and her purple white striped soft shirt with an orange stitched heart. My sister's hotcake shape is a cat. 

Have to admit that the bunny hotcake is puffy and delicious, fortunately, I am having breakfast at home and not in school or any other public place or any of these ''cool'' boys may say ''Aww, look at that cutie baby'' or ''look! the lil' babe is eating is bunny foodie, aww'' Tsk! how much I hate when they say that, they only would say that to seem cool to the other teens in the street, bet that they are cowards to eat animal shaped food in front of everyone, all because that when you are a male you have to be tough, just a bunch of hollow heads.

By the way, I checked where did I keep the coin that I found on the street today before the tar machine would crush me, So I will consider this coin as my lucky charm.

After breakfast, I go upstairs and enter my room to sat on the bed and saw my lucky golden coin, then something unusual...The coin looks like some kind of gear, and it has some words engraved in the metal that I think it's in Latin: 

 ''ecrof sekam noinu'' 

I wonder what does mean that phrase is, then just noticed that the odd coin has a hexagonal form instead of the typical round form, also has a bee symbol on it, strangely looks like the bee's wings move with the reflection of the light. And then I remember that someone entered the street sewage and the lid just closed by itself, I saw for an instant a blonde hair so similar to mine, in this summer many weird things are happening, since... yesterday.  I will keep my lucky coin on the brown mini chest that my dad brought me and I kept it with love.

I closed the chest with a small vintage silver key and I put it with a small iron chain around my neck as a necklace, the bow of the key looks like a 4 hole button. I got out of my room once more to see the colors of the blue sky and the puffy clouds, I sat on the cut trunk in my backyard, I closed my eyes, inhaled, and exhaled feeling the peace and the fresh air filling my lungs and refreshing my mind.

Then heard a muffled pop that splashed some tiny drops on my nose, It was my sister for sure. When I opened my eyes due to the pop on my nose I saw her blowing soap bubbles using her pastel pink bubble wand from a blue transparent soapy water solution bottle with glitter.

I saw these thin and light soapy spheres float to the sky dancing the waltz with the air, I saw the colors of the sun reflecting on the bubbles like golden with silver, some are a dark metallic blue with a magenta tone, green with purple and some are with all the colors of the rainbow! I saw them flew away into the sky, Once again I remembered the childhood that once I had, that delightful feeling that your world is filled with fun and no worries or even dangers. 

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