And there he comes.

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''-So in summary, my mission is that I have to go to explore that hazardous land and investigate the capital of Mekanika along with my team?'' a deep male voice answers the voice on the telephone, then it took a pause to sip its decaf coffee.

''B-but Sir, these kinds of species disappeared decades ago!!  It's easier to find a 90's arcade machine than a -!!''  The middle-aged man exclaimed in surprise and sighed.

''-...Fine, alright...I'll talk with the team about the situation and make a plan, alright?''

''-And how many times I have to tell you that I am not french?! I am Russian, did you hear me?!'' The man yelled a bit angry.

''-See you this Saturday at 6:50 am, Goodbye.'' Then he hung up the phone.

''-Now what's the next thing that I must find, a unicorn?!'' He complained in a sarcastic way while he rolled his eyes and covered his face with his hand.

Then he heard a call from its furry companion, a meow from a striped cat to be exact. The man looked towards the ground and caresses his pet's head while the animal purrs with pleasure, the vibrations of the animal made the man felt better after that pesky conversation with a co-worker.

This man wears a long white lab coat that it reaches until his shoes, and under his coat he wears an indigo lumberjack shirt with a purple arcade machine pin in the right pocket, which was a prize that he won after an arcade games contest when he was seven years old, wears a pair of rectangular glasses with black frame with a two golden stripes in the temple's tip, and his chin is warmed by a puffy fluffy dark brown beard but his head's hair doesn't warm as his face cloud. and yes as it describes it seems the man it's a scientist or a doctor, his name is Zaiktomov. All a professional and with a doctorate in computer science and robotic from the Inteli University of Technology.  

''I hope I don't have to heal an animal, I'm not a veterinarian.'' Then he got as a comment another meow. 

-'' But I have enough knowledge to heal your wounds and illness only for you, pixel.'' replied kindly the man caressing the cat's chin gently. After that, he called a number of one of his friends, Pauline.

-'' Pauline, I need to talk with you and with the team this Thursday at 6 pm! We have a job to do!''

While he communicates with the team about the business that Mark told Dr. Zaiktomov, a rock pigeon stares at an unfinished sandwich that is on a working table from the open window.  

-'' I know William, it sounds so senseless but we need to go to that land! Prepare the supplies and your backpacks! It's going to be a long trip!'' He advised as he drank another sip of his coffee to calm his nerves.

The bird enters carefully and walks towards the table to reach the food while he's distracted, it tries to flutter quietly as possible to arrive at the table, once the flying feather ball reached the table it manages to peck the sandwich.

''Thanks, Pauline see you soon!'' He hangs up the telephone and looked around, then he noticed that his sandwich disappeared, he found out that a plump bird ate his breakfast. The scientist glared annoyed at the feather ball and the bird  ''smiled'' closing its eyes as a ''thank you'', it opened its peak with a burp and it flew away through the window. Zaiktomov sighed with a bit of frustration. He walked towards the window and noticed that the feathered intruder grabbed a small tree branch from the ground and it stared at the scientist. 

-'' Well, at least someone didn't stay hungry!'' complained as he closed the window.

''-What would be this time? What would happen?'' He sighed and looked at a photograph of him and his son aside next to an Eiffel tower photograph with a phrase: ''Vive la France!''

-'' I will make it?'' He asked himself doubtful of the worst that could happen by a research mission for going to that unknown place. The scientist stared at the picture for a long while.

Going into a trance state of a youthful mind of a blonde boy, he suddenly saw that he's in a classroom of his school with his classmates, Olek noticed his teacher Marie was wearing a pigeon shirt and it seems she was checking the schoolwork, and then to his side found once again the girl that he saw in another dream. Olek felt butterflies on his stomach, not because he likes her, it's because he was nervous that he may say something silly or out of context, he had nothing in mind to say, but he can't take a wrong step.  

-'' H-hey!'' He whispers to the girl and touching her shoulder quickly. 

The girl looked at Olek in response and blushed in surprise, Olek blushed too by the awkward feeling. and before Olek could say a word a loud ringing broke the silence...and Olek woke up and he was on his bed, he breathes in and out quickly by the loud sound of his alarm. It's Sunday's morning

-'' A dream?'' murmured the lad as he looked around his room.

Then he remembered that school was over so how he can be in the classroom till the Monday of September 29th? after that dream, Olek got worried about if actually is going to meet that mysterious girl that invades his dreams soon in his waking life. And most, when, and where is going to meet her?  He thought about how to look good like he needs to buy a new perfume, fix his long hair, buy new clothes or new shoes, he needs to write this on his notebook as a to-do list.

But how he can get the money? Does he have to sell some toys or his stuff? It's summer so many children will want to play with new toys and also Olek is already a teenager and soon he will become a grown-up man, but he will keep some of them like for example his horse plush or his toy train.

He wonders about the changes that may happen during this long summer, some changes make us feel pain because not only do they contain happiness but memories... some of them fade with the pass of time as we grew up but when we got a ''reference''  of these time, a ''movie'' with faint colors and muffled sounds play in our mind back to that moment where we were so unconsciously happy. 

In the afternoon, when the sun makes a reddish-orange shine on the horizon. Olek decided to watch a movie with his sister, her sister prepared the popcorn in a tall big black saucepan with its glass lid with a red holder. Aline got caught off guard when the corn started to jump.

Olek imagined that the corn kernels were the prisoners and the saucepan is the monster transforming machine, he and his sister were the scientists who are studying them in a governmental laboratory. And because they are jumping because they are ''alive'' and they are trying to avoid touching the ''monster juice'' that actually is the cooking oil. 

''They are trying to escape, poor corn people!! '' Aline commented.

The popcorn was ready after a while, Aline puts her popcorn in a big lavender transparent bowl and mine is a teal medium-sized bowl. I looked at the DVD's case, the movie is called ''The adventures of Finnis the mermaid 2'' I put the DVD in the player and watched ''eat'' the disc, while the player reads it, I saw my sister tackle the huge pillow that was on her bean couch like an American football player. 

-'' Careful, you're going to drop your popcorn bowl!'' Olek shouted and Aline stopped moving like a playful puppy.

The movie started on a black screen then suddenly appeared the anti-piracy warning with the  ''warning'' word in red in uppercase. Why do people choose red and in caps? Are trying to threaten someone? Then suddenly a loud noise interrupted my thoughts, my sister yelled and ran behind me to hide from studio logo?  

-'' Brother, protect me! The movie roared to me!'' She said as she hugs Olek from behind on her knees.

Olek paused the movie with the remote control pressing a button, hugging his sister back. 

-'' I'm here Aline, don't be afraid.''

While he was cuddling his sister to comfort her, Olek remembers a moment when his father hugged him after he was crying from a fall on the bike and got a scrape on the right knee. Olek saw his scar on the knee. The lad's eyes got a bit watery from that memory.

''You got scared too, brother?'' the girl asked

Why good times has to go? where have these times gone? 

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