With a taste of anemoia.

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I can't believe this, mom somehow behaved kind and generously than usual with the newcomer family that just arrived in the neighborhood. Mom called the Italian restaurant to order that pizza that I'd loved since I was 11 years old. She was acting like a waiter in a five-star deluxe restaurant to the mom and the daughter.  I'm kinda upset that my sister doesn't stop staring at me pointing with her mocking eyebrows that the new girl is my girlfriend.

-'' Do you need something, darling?'' My mom asked the girl that sits just to my right side. I can't even hide my sister's annoying face with that behavior behind the pop cola bottle. We look like cockatoos making a mating dance. 

-'' May I have a napkin, please?'' the female asked politely. 

My mom gave her a napkin to clean her mouth after the spaghetti. When she was eating it, my mischievous mind made an image behind my eyelids of a scene where two dogs were kissing while eating...ew. Stupid mind and stupid memories! I groaned loudly.

-'' Is something wrong, Olek?'' my mom asked a bit loud.

-'' um...I think a piece of spinach is stuck in my teeth, be right back!'' I got up from my place and went to the bathroom.

''there's no spinach in the food.'' said my sister blowing the whistle of my embarrassment. 

I closed the door quickly sat on the toilet seat, and turn the lights on to think:

Why is that girl so darn familiar to me?! we just met this week and I have a ghastly feeling that I've met her before. Not by the last dreams I had about her like I've seen her in my childhood or even a time before I existed in this lifetime. I know that even this moment has come so soon as I got a hint about it, it didn't give me time enough to look better or have a glow up to give a better first impression of the girl. 

So I had to take a deep breath before talking to her in private. I need to ask her so many questions but...how can I ask her all of them without making her think that a screw knocked out of my mind? After five minutes, I got out of the bathroom. 

While sitting on my chair I looked at the girl's mother with confidence 

-'' Excuse me ma'am can I talk with your daughter in private after eating?'' I asked waiting for an affirmative answer.

-'' yes son, you can talk.'' the woman spoke softly towards the lad.

Olek finished the food quickly but without looking he was in a hurry.

-'' Oh...oh my! I finished the meal first, I guess I have to wait for your daughter.'' Olek got up from his chair and walked towards his room

-'' Bon appetite!'' Said Olek closing the door of his bedroom to get tidy before the girl finishes her meal and talk personally.

Olek desperately search in his room for everything that makes him look better, deodorant, he found a hair comb, hair gel, and he continued searching the items he needed quickly as he could.

The girl raised an eyebrow confused and suspicious of the behavior of the lad, why did he look so nervous and tried to be so polite like he knew that she was coming? I got tidy in time, of course, I didn't dress a suit and soft ice cream hair for the girl because I knew he would receive a slap in the cheek instead of a smooth, I've seen this before in the movies.  Took a deep breath and open the door downstairs to talk with the girl. I stepped carefully on each stair to not make an embarrassing moment that sure we'll remember for years. 

-'' We'll be talking in the backyard, mom.'' Said Olek walking with the new girl to the backyard.

Olek felt so nervous and with a feeling of doom that he doesn't know and had the words to come out of his mouth to break the ice with the girl, an awkward moment of silence and eye staring gave a sign of urgency to make his maze of muscles to produce some words.

-'' Um...so welcome to the neighborhood, I hope this place would be of your like.'' Said Olek as she thought he screwed up.

-'' Thanks...?'' Said the girl uncomforted from the start.

-'' My name is Olek, such a pleasure to meet you...what's yours?''

-''Um...Mizuki.'' Said the girl.

-'' It's a nice name, Mizuki.''

Another moment of silence cut the conversation.

Olek sighed. ''Hey...I know that we just met but I need to tell you something, it feels urgent to me.''

-'' Same thing.'' Said the girl.

-'' You look so familiar to me, Have I seen you before?'' Olek said rubbing his forehead.-

- ''Probably you have mistaken me for another person that looks like me''

- ''I mean, I know this is gonna sound corny and nonsensical but I have been feeling some kind of connections last days, and one of these connections are related to someone like you'' Said Olek.

''I don't know what you are talking about, I am completely new to this city, I just arrived .'' Said Mizuki.

Mizuki and Olek sit on a wooden swing chair attached to a strong tree branch. 

-'' L-l-let me explain! Since the summer has started I have been feeling funny. Last days, I've had dreams about place I am not sure if I have visited before or not, also people.''

-'' It's not a side effect of the heat waves?'' Said Mizuki incredoulous

''Heatwaves? I know summer can turn the country into a giant pizza oven but I haven't heard of heatwaves in the weather news!'' 

- ''Hydrate your brain, silly!'' Said Mizuki joking.

-'' I am serious, I am not even joking.'' Said Olek with a pouty face.

-'' Well I believe you, I am not going to say that you lost your marbles.''

-'' I've had weird nightmares last night, so don't think you're unique'' she wink to the lad.

-'' You can tell me what happened last night, only if you feel comfortable.'' 

Mizuki and Olek started to talk about the dreams and the connections that Olek had the urge to tell the girl.

Olek and Mizuki's mothers looked at the scene so heartwarming knowing that moment might be the seed of a new friendship between the youth. Who knows? who knows...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2022 ⏰

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