How to spread sickness (Ikarishipping)

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Dawn Woke up feeling like she got hit by a truck over and over again (she really didn't thankfully). Her head hurt and her throat felt dry. She looked over at the time.  It said 5:49. Maybe I will feel better in the morning she thought as she drifted off to sleep again.


Of course not Dawn thought miserably. She had woken up and felt even worse if that was possible. Her head was feeling suspiciously warm and her hands and feet were shaking.

Well suck it up Dawn she thought.  She headed out of the house and walked down to the forest for some training (idk if there really is a forest by her house).She took her most trusted partner, piplup with her.

As she arrived there she started her training for a contest that took place in 2 weeks. Half way through the training she had to sit down cause her legs were shaking so much.

After a Long day of training she was headed home when she saw a familiar figure in the distance. She approached the figure and saw it was Paul.

Oh great now I'm going top get criticized on how weak I look. Dawn thought.  She turned around to leave when a voice called her 'nickname'.

"Hey troublesome, what are you doing out here?" Paul asked in his usual tone.

"For your info I was tra-" she was interrupted by a huge coughing fit that came from her self.

Paul looked at her with a little concern showing.  "Hey Dawn are you alright?" Dawn was surprised because of two things.

1 he hardly ever uses her real name

2 he never cares about anyone so why does he care so much?

"Yes,  I am alright"Dawn says.  Paul then regains his cool expression.

"Well If you don't mind I will be going. " Dawn says in a quiet voice.

After she walks past him Herr cousin starts to fade and she collapsed.  Last thing she saw was Paul walking toward her. Then the lights turned off on Her Mind. (No she is not dead)


Dawn slowly opened her eyes. Get head hurt still but didn't feel warm.  She slowly got out of the bed? She woke up in.

"Hello?" She croaked (not like a frog). Her eyes slowly adjusted to the brighness of the room.  She looked around and saw that she was in her bedroom. 

"Piplup pip" came a voice she knew well.  "Piplup is that you?" She called. Suddenly the door called open and piplup jumped on her bed and hugged her.

"Woah there, sorry I scared you." Dawn said as her partner held on to her.  Suddenly came a voice dawn also knew.

"You should be sorry, I had to carry you here." The voice said. Dawn shuddered at the mention of that. "Sorry Paul" she said.

Paul entered the room and leaned against the door way. "You know you scared us back there. Why did you go out to train if you knew you were sick?"

Dawn sighed and said quietly "I didn't want to seem weak next time I saw you." Paul smirked and said "well it didn't work considering your sick."

Dawn frowned. Well If he thinks being sick is being weak, I will have to get him sick to prove him wrong.

Dawn slowly walked over to where Paul had been standing. Paul looked surprised and froze up. 

"We'll just see about that." Dawn answered.  Paul soon realised what the basic ideas of Her plan was. 

"You wouldn't dare." He growled.  Dawn smirked and answered "oh yes I would."

Quickly she leaned in and gave him a quick kiss.  It was not long but it was enough to make Paul blush.

The next day, add predicted, Paul came out to train and was sick.


Wow way to go dawn!!!!!!!!!! This was a request for sumsumgirl152 my AMAZING friend. Thanks for reading guys.


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