2 years later... (manganewrivalshipping) [wally x sapphire]

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I HAVE COMPLETED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I lost my phone at the begining of spring break and I couldn't use my chromebook without wifi. This has minor spoilers, sorry!!!! it was requested by @Pokespe8Lover


The crisp cool wind blew on the back of wally's neck as he hurried down to the pokemon center. He was going to meet some of his friends since he hadn't seen them for 2 years. They were really cool people to call friends, even thought they were extreamly different from one another.

Flashback time:

"Please Norman, just this once. I-" Wally began only to be interupted by the famous gym leader norman.

"I have had enough of this, If you really wanted to catch a pokemon then ask my son to help you."

Wally looked at the man in amazement and awe for his son was the legendary pokemon contest winner, Ruby. He had won all of the ribbons for every contest in hoenn. Wally had always like the pokemon that apeared in contests because they were always so well trained and could show off moves to perfection.

Wally soon rushed of to find the contest legend so he could finally catch his own pokemon. He was searching over at the pokemon center when the doors burst open startling every one inside.

Wally pushed through the door he was looking behind to see the commotion. Soon wally recognised the two people who charged in. They were the two life savers that saved hoenn when the two legends were awoken.

Sapphire and Ruby. They were exact opposites. They can barely tolerate each other.

Walt ran up to them and introduced Himself.

"Hello guys, my name is wally. I was wondering if you could teach me how to catch a pokemon."

Sapphire looked surprised and amused while Ruby looked bored and unamused.

"Pshh and why shoul-" ruby mover got to finish because sapphire, bring the pokemon loving person she is, interrupted.

"We would love to." Sapphire said in an almost yelling voice.

Wally looked rather happy at this comment, not only beacuse he had a small crush on her but it was because he was going to be taught by the famous sapphire herself.

"T-thank you." Wally said quietly. From that day on all 3 of them became really amazing friends.

~(end of flashback)~

Wally arrived at the pokemon center quickly. He wanted nothing more than to see his friends again.

As wally opened the door he was pumled to the ground. He was shocked and excited because he knew that only one pokemon tackled him to the ground.

It was, as he expected, sapphire's donphan.

It had always liked wally ever since he met it a few months ago. Wally never knew why.

"Donphan, come on get off him." A voice boomed snapping wally out of his thoughts.

Donphan reluctantly got off wally and walked over to the voice. Wally shakingly stood up and wiped the dirt off from his clothes.

"Hey sapphire, so were is ruby?" Wally asked his voice shaking a little due to the dizziness.

Sapphire gazed all around with a huge smile plastered to her face.

"I don't really know." she stated in a tone that was suspiciously in between calm and hyper.

'she seemed nervous' wally thought. He shrugged the thought off and looked around with sapphire.

Little did they know that Ruby was watching from the window with his delcatty spying on them. He had set this up so that sapphire would confess her feeling towards wally because she would talk on and on about how perfect he seemed. Also may be ruby was a little jealous that wally seemed perfect so he just wanted to get them together as soon as possibly because he knew from "reliable sources" that wally liked her too.

"well why don't we go and look for him." wally suggested. At this sapphire nodded furiously.


"argh where is he!!!!" Sapphire yelled. Wally sighed. They had searched for the last 2 hours trying to find the missing ruby. Nothing seemed to be working even thought it was the perfect time to confess to one another.

'oh well here goes' wally thought.

"hey sapphire" Wally asked timidly.

"ya." she replied.

"ummmm.......... ireallylikeyouandidon'tmindifyoudontreaturnthefeelings!!!" Wally yelled.

"well you are extreamly lucky I do." she said as she walked over to the flustered boy.

"Really?!" wally whispered.

"ya better believe it." she said.

As she reached him she leaned in very quickly and pecked his cheek. at the same time a camera flashed and a sudden yelling.


lets just say Ruby was lucky to still be alive after messing with sapphire ;)


I hope you liked it!!!!! I will try to update more but my grades suck so maybe you will have to wait for a while :( Love you guys


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