Peanut butter (Green x reader)

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(You POV)

You had a long morning at work and had just arrived home. You made a beeline for the pantry to get something to snack on. your (e/c) eyes landed on the peanut butter jar. 'yes' you thought. You have always loved P.B. even as a little kid ( if you are alergic or don't like it then think of something else).

Then another thought came to your mind. 'how about a picnic' you thought excidedly. you didn't want to go alone so you thought you could ask your close friend and crush Green (I have never liked that fraze it sounds like you are going to crush them literally).

'He could use a break from the gym and fangirls' you thought as you changed, got everything together and headed off.

Your (h/l) (h/c) swayed in the wind as you walked to Virdian city. You soon found yourself at the gyms doors. Excided you knocked on it and waited.

After what ceamed like forever the door finally opened revealing a tall burnette. " (y/n) what are you doing here?" Green asked.

"I am here to take you on a picnic, silly and I am not taking no for an answer." You replied. Suddenly felling bold, you grab his wrist and start dragging him away from the Gym.

(Green's POV)

I open the door to see my close friend and secret crush,(y/n). no one knows but I've had a crush on her since the day i saw her, (#) years ago. next thing I know I am being dragged down the road by (y/n). 'I wonder where we are going' I thought.

We arrive at the waterfall, the place we first meant.


(General POV)

Green was wondering through the Virdian forest hoping to find a wild beedrill to give to his grandfather to study when he heard a scream.

'thats funny, I don't know a pokemon who screams' thought Green. Curious, Green went to investigate.

Soon the emerald-eyed child arrived in time to see a girl fall off of a huge waterfall and hit the water with a huge splash.

Quickly the burnette dove into the water and dragged the girl out. When he set her down she was freezing and not moving very much.

Green took her to the nearist hospital. after a few hours she woke up.

She looked around the room until her (e/c) eyes fell on the sleeping boy on a chair next to her bed. 'Did he save me?' she thought.

Suddenly the boy moaned a little and opened his eyes. They soon widened and he smiled.

"Hi there, I'm Green". The boy said. "the names (y/n) were you the one who saved me?" the girl asked. Green slightly blushed and looked down at his feet. "Ya" he replied.

He suddenly looked up in to (y/n)'s eyes and asked "What were you doing there anyway?"

Now it was the girls turn to look down. "well... my dad said to go away and never come back so I got sad and ran off and accidently fell off the waterfall." She replied and teared up a bit.

"You can stay with me and my grandpa if you want" Green blurted. The girl smiled. "really? Thank you so much"

~~end flashback~~

(General POV)

"Yo Green?" (y/n) asked worriedly, "are you alright?"

"oh... ya just thinking" Green laughed nervously. (y/n) didn't fall for it.

"I am really worried about you, Green" (y/n) stated. "I am fine, aren't we on a picnic or something" Green said trying to change the subject.

Fortunietly it worked. "oh yea" (y/n) exclaimed. 'that was lucky' Green thought.

Once they got everything unpacked, (y/n) started to make a peanut butter sandwich but, the lid wouldn't come off.

"stupid lid" (y/n) yelled. "whats wrong (y/n)?" Green asked. "the stupid lid to the peanut butter won't come off." the angered (y/n) Yelled. ( I am changing it to your POV)

Green burst out laughing. "Whats so funny" you growled. "you can't even open a peanut butter jar, now thats sad." Green said through laughes.

"Fine Mr. perfect you open it" You said as you chucked the jar at him. He catches it and tries himself.

Nothing happened. It didn't even budge. You start to giggle. "man this thing is stupid" Green yells.

You can't help it. you burst out laughing. "You should just let it go and try something else, green." you say after you calm down.

Green just growls in response. "Please Green" you say hopefully.

"NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!" Yells Green. " I will get this open if it is the last thing I do."

"Whatever." You say

~~~after 3 hours~~~~

"GREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN please stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let it go!!!" You yell despritally. You have tried everything except one thing.

" I told you 48 times already NEVER" Green replies

"Well you give me no choice." You sigh

Green has tried everything known to man trying to get this thing open. 'he needs to take a break from this thing.' you think.

The one other thing you would love to do to him but, you are afraid of how he will react.

'oh well here goes nothing' You think. You grab his chin and make him turn to you. He looks slightly surprized at this action. You pull him closer until you lips are touching his. You feel him slightly jump but he doesn't pull away.

You pull away from him to soon for his liking. " what was that for." He asks quietly. "to make you be quiet and because...I-I love y-you..." You add in a shaky voice.

You close your eyes and start to say "It's fi-" you never got the chance to finish cause you feel a light pressure on your lips. You eyes shoot open to find Green kissing you.

After you two broke apart you layed down next to Green and he said "I love you (y/n) I was afraid to tell you before but..."

"I love you too, Green I always have" you reply. " really?" he asks. "of course" you reply.

Green shiftes you in to a position and you find yourself on his lap.

Soon you fall asleep on his lap and he pats your head and whispers "I love you" and kisses your forehead.

You smile in your dream and mumble "I love you too, silly".


Hey I am really tired and it is dark so there will be alot of spelling errors. also I wrote this based off of this mourning cause I couldn't get the peanut butter lid of and tried EVERYTHING known to man. also I have accounts on Quotev, Deviantart, and Tumblr. I will post comments about them so stay tuned and thanks for reading, bye.


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