first time 🧎🏽‍♀️

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dom: billie(g!p), sub: y/n

𝑦/𝑛 𝑝𝑜𝑣: me and billie have been together for almost 8 months. we haven't had sex yet. you would think we've had sex yet but no. it's because i'm a virgin and i'm scared to lose it. billie knows i'm a virgin and she's ok with me being one and us not having sex yet. it's 7pm and billies play her ps5 and i think i'm ready to tell her i wanna have sex now. i trust her.

i go over to billie "uh..billie..can we talk for a second" i say nervously. billie pauses her game and looks at me. billies says "what's up baby?" i say "i-i uh..i think i'm ready.." billie tilts her head looking at me confused. "ready for what baby..?" i hesitate at first and i look down at the floor rubbing my arm. "i think i'm ready to have sex.."

billie doesn't say anything for a few seconds. i look up at her for a second then billie says "are you positive baby?" shes looks at me "yeah i'm sure. i trust you billie" i smile a bit. billie holds my hands then she rubs her thumb on my cheek. billie says "baby are you really positive. i don't want you to feel pressured into anything"

i look up at billie and i smile "yes i'm positive that i'm ready but can you be gentle with me plz" billie says "yes ofc angel. it's your first time so i'll be gentle"

𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑒 𝑝𝑜𝑣: i pick y/n up and i carry her to the bed. i lay her down crawling on top of her and i look at her. i tug at the hem of her shirt. "can i take this off love? she's nods slowly. "i need words y/n" she says "yes you can take it off" i nod and i take off her shirt then i ask if i can take off the rest of her clothes and she gave me permission so i toke off her black bra, shorts and her lacy black panties.

i look at her body and i smile "your so beautiful baby" she blushed lightly and she says "t-thank you babe" my hands roam her body then go to her neck kissing it leaving a few hickeys. i place soft kisses down her body. i get in between her thighs and i look up at y/n. "you good baby?" she nods and she says "y-yeah i'm good" i lick in between her folds. she moans softly. i spread her legs and i grip her thigh as i keep licking her pussy. her moans being to be loud she whines and says "m-more billie" "be patient my love" i slip a finger into her wet hole and finger her slowly as i suck on her clit. she bucks her hips and i add another finger and i keep fingering her. i look up at her and i see her head leaning back as she moans.

𝑦/𝑛 𝑝𝑜𝑣: as billie is finger fucking me, i lean my head back and i moan loud. "f-fuckk billie" as billie keep fingering me and sucking my clit. i become a moaning mess and i suddenly have the urge to cum. "b-billie..i-i have to cum plz" "ok baby. cum for me" my back arches off the bed and i grip the sheets tightly as i cum onto billies fingers and i breathe heavily. billie takes her fingers out of me and she suck on them. i look at her blushing lightly. "you taste good baby" she says and i blush again "t-thank you" billie gets off the bed and stands in front of it. she pulls off her tank top and sweatpants leaving her in her boxers and sports bra then she take off her boxers revealing her 9in dick (i think 9in will do since it's her first time yeah) i gulp as i look at her dick. billie sees me staring at her dick. "baby you good" she says. "y-yeah i'm's just that your b-big" "yeah ik baby but i'll go slow and gentle with you i promise" she says. "o-ok. can we make a safe word plz" "yeah ofc baby. the safe is red okay? she says "ok baby"

𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑝𝑜𝑣: after i tell y/n the safe. i climb into the bed on top of her and i get in between her legs and i look at her. "you ready baby?" "y-yeah y-yeah i'm ready" i aline my dick with her hole and i only put 2in in and i hear y/n winces "b-billie. it h-hurts" "it's ok baby. it's going to hurt for a few seconds. here hold my hand" i hold out my hand for her to grab and she grabs it. "can i slide in some more" "y-yeah" she says and i slide half of my dick. "b-billie...y-your too big" "baby ik but your going to adjust to it. ok you trust me right?" "yes i trust" i nod and i slowly start thrusting into her. "f-fuckk omg" she moans. i keep thrusting slowly and i look at her. god she so fucking beautiful. "g-go faster" i hear y/n while she moaning. "you sure baby" "yesss" i push my whole dick into her and i start thrusting in her faster like she asked me too. she screams out loud "omg b-billie...fuckk" "you like that baby?" she moans louder "yesss- shittt"

𝑦/𝑛 𝑝𝑜𝑣: as billie is thrusting into in a fast pace. the pain turns into pleasure. this isn't as bad as i thought it would be. this shit feels amazing. i feel billie go deeper hitting my g-spot. i'm moaning billies name loudly "b-billie- fuckk your gonna make me c-cum" after few seconds of billie thrusting deeply into my g-spot (a/n: does that make sense..) i scream loudly as i cum onto billies dick then billie pulls out and cums on my stomach. yk bc im not on the pill. billie fall down onto the bed beside me and we're breathing heavily. after a few minutes of silence i speak up. "that was amazing asf" i giggle and i look at billie and she's smiling "yeah it was baby. wanna take a bath now" "yeah sure" i get up and i fall on the floor. this bitch.. "billie! help meeee" billie gets up and comes over to me and picks me up "sorry my love" she says

𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑝𝑜𝑣: after we finished bathing. i dress y/n is one of my large t-shirt and she lays in the bed exhausted. i get dressed in a sports bra and boxers and i crawl into bed cuddling with y/n and i put the covers on us. "i love you baby" "i love you too" she falls asleep after she says that and i kiss her forehead and i fall asleep with her.

so here's the story
sorry if it's terrible. this my first book yk
hope you enjoy it
bye loves. have a goodnight or morning
go eat and drink your water

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