date night 🧎🏽‍♀️

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g!p, dom:billie, sub:y/n

𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑝𝑜𝑣: it's like 9am and i look over to my left to see my beautiful wife still sleeping. good. i get out of bed and i go downstairs to the kitchen and i cook breakfast. today is me and y/n anniversary. three years ago today i married the one girl i wanted to spend the rest of my life with. we also have a four year old son. (y'all adopted him when he was 3) his name blazer. i hear footsteps coming downstairs and i turn to see blazer. he's holding the bear i gave him when we first brought him home. he comes over to me.

"hi mama" he says still sleepy. i pick him up smiling at him. "hey little man" he lays his head on my shoulder and he yawns. "you want pancakes?" he nods. i make seven pancakes. 2 for blazer. 2 for y/n and 3 for me (that equals 7 right?) i put them on plates. i put sryup on all of them and whipped cream on y/n and blazer pancakes. weird ikr. blazer holds him plate while i'm holding mines and y/n and i go upstairs to our room.

i set our plates on the nightstand. blazer gets out of my arms and sit down in the bed beside y/n as she continues to sleep. i grab a glass cup from on top of the mini fridge and grab the orange juice from the fridge and i put it into the glass cup and i set beside her plate. i see y/n moving around starting to wake up. i go over to her and i kiss her lips softly multiple times. "wake up my love" "mmm baby.." she says waking up fully. "i'm up" i look at her smiling. "you looked so cute sleeping peacefully" "stoppp" she says blushing and covering her face. i smile handing her her plate and she starts eating. i go back downstairs and i clean up the kitchen.

i'm back upstairs chillin in the bed with my wife and son. i'm sitting up against the headboard and y/n is in between my legs facing the tv. we watchin daddy's day care. blazer is at his best friend house for the weekend. tonight i had reservations for this restaurant for me and y/n date.

*skippin to 7pm cuz i'm lazy*

𝑦/𝑛 𝑝𝑜𝑣: i'm getting ready for me and billies date tonight. i just got out the shower and im wrapped in a white towel and im standing in front of the mirror. i do my make up. just a natural makeup look. billie walks into the bathroom half dressed as i'm putting on lip gloss. she looks at me smirking and she comes over behind me and wraps her arms around my waist. "mm hey baby" i look at her through the mirror "hey billie" i say rolling my eyes and i finish my makeup. "what's under the towel baby" she says sliding her hand up my towel "you'll find out tonight" i say slapping her hand away "ughh i wanna find out now.." she kisses my neck and i tilt my head back moaning. i look in the mirror and see that she ends up leaving like 4 hickeys on my neck "what the fuck billie" i say and she walks out the bathroom laughing.

i roll my eyes. sneaky bitch. i take some make up and i try to cover up the hickeys. it helped a bit but you can still kinda see them a lil bit "thanks a lot billie!" i yell from the bathroom. "you'll have more of them tonight" i hear her say and i bit my lip just thinking bout tonight. i take off my towel and put on my red lace bra and with matching panties. it's billies favorite set. i smirk to myself as i walk out the bathroom to see billie sitting down on the edge of the bed on her phone. "baby i don't have anything to wearrr" i say pouting. billie looks up from her phone and smirks at me. "damn ma, you looking fine asf" she says as she get off the bed coming over to me. she picks me up and kisses me. "ughh i just wanna get in between them thighs right nowwww" she whines and i look at you. "billie chill. you'll get what you want after our date that we need to give ready for so put me down"

she rolls her eyes and puts me down. i go to my closet. i have my own closet. me and billie have way too many clothes so we can't share a closet. i pick out this short strapless black dress. (it wouldn't let me put the pic so just imagine it) i put it on with some black heels to go with it "baby i'm ready" i tell as i walks my closet. i see billie leaving the bathroom in her suit (yall know that pic with her and finneas in black and grey and they look intimidating? yeah she's wearing that suit) "oh shit you look fine" i smirk as i look at billie walking towards me. she grab my waist pulling me in closer and kisses me. "mhm so do you baby" she says slap my ass.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2021 ⏰

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