strangers 🧎🏽‍♀️

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gxg dom:billie, sub:y/n (also play this song ^^when you read the smut. this one of my favorite and it's even better when it's slowed)

𝑦/𝑛 𝑝𝑜𝑣: it's like 7pm on a saturday night and chillin in my bed then my bestie texts me

her: heyy bestie bae
me: heyy daddy 😏
her: i- stop calling me that. yk im a bottom and plus your daddy 🙄
me: ok ok fine bae. anyways what's up?
her: there's a party in an hour at some girl's house. get your ass ready and i'll pick you up
me: ok daddy 😩
her: stop it-
me: make me
her: i can't you fucker
me: ok bottom. anyways ttyl
her: ok bestie bae

(a/n: fun fact. me and my bestie actually talk to each other like this lol)

i put my phone away and i get up going in my bathroom and i take a shower. after bout 20 mins i get out the shower. i dry off and i do my hair and i put on this outfit.

(this yall outfit

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(this yall outfit. i just pick some random ass pic off of google)

i put some heels on and as i'm finished getting dressed. i hear a knock at my door then i go downstairs and i open my door seeing my bestie delilah. i smile and i hug her. "holy shit, you look hot asf" she says and i smile and i roll my eyes "stop it dumbass". we laugh. "you ready?" she says and i nod then i close my front door behind us and i lock it then we get in her car and she starts driving to the party. after riding in the car for bout 30 mins. we arrive to this big ass house and we out and we walk inside

𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑒 𝑝𝑜𝑣: i'm throwing at my house since my parents are gone for the week. people start arriving and bout an hour later this beautiful ass girl walk through the front door with i'm guessing is her friend. she's wearing this white dress and she looks hella good in it too. i bit my lip as i look at her. she looks around the room and our eyes meet each other (does that make sense 🧍🏽‍♀️) and i smirk at her and i see her blushing then i walk away going to my friends.

𝑦/𝑛 𝑝𝑜𝑣: after what happened with that girl, my panties may or may not be a bit wet. yeah yeah ik idk the girl but holy shit. she fine asf and did you see the way she was staring me like fuck me daddy. nah let me stop. i look at my bestie and she's already looking at me "whattt" "ooo i seen that girl staring at you. y/n getting slutted out tonighttttt" she says. "oh my god stfu. i don't even know the girl" we walk over to the kitchen and we get some vodka to drink. "so? did you not see the way that girl was looking at you" she says "that doesn't mean she won't to fuck me" "yeah okay y/n. anyways. i see a cute ass girl so ima go talk to her ttyl" and with that she walked away leaving me in the kitchen by myself.

i've had bout 3 or 4 drinks already and now i have to pee so i go upstairs and go into the first bathroom i see and i use it then i finish and i wash hands then i open the bathroom and i see the girl i saw earlier and i look at her. "hey babygirl" she said in a deep raspy voice. that might have turned me on. "h-hi" "i'm billie. what's your name?" "uhh.." stupid mf you don't know your own name. what a shame. she's just a normal girl...whose fine asf. i get out my thoughts and i look at her. "uhh m-my name is y/n.." "cute name. wanna go to a room with me"

𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑝𝑜𝑣: "wanna go to a room with me" i tell her and she nods her slowly and i take us to my room and i close the door behind us and i flip the light switch turning on the red lights and i look at her. she looks around my room smiling "nice room" she says softly "thank you love" we sit down on my bed and i look at her again and i admire her flawless. "your really beautiful" she blushes lightly and she says "t-thank you"

i put my hand up her dress and on her inner thigh. i kiss her neck. i find her sweet spot easily and i suck on it. i hear her moan a bit. "mmm" (i don't know what to say 😭) i suck on her neck harshly leaving a few hickeys. i move my hand onto her panties and i feel she's wet through them. i whisper "your so wet baby" i slip off her panties throwing them somewhere on the floor.

she's now laying down on my bed and i'm on top of her. i put off her dress along with bra and throwing them on the floor too. i stare at her body admiring it "so beautiful" i take of my shirt and sweatpants leaving me in a bra and boxers. i suck on one of nipples as my hand goes down to her clit and i rub it in circles slowly. i heard her breathing getting heavy and letting soft moans out. i rub her clit faster as i move onto the other nipple and i suck on it. "f-fuckk. billie" *i look up at her and i smirk at her then i kiss down her stomach to her inner thighs. i leave bout 4 hickeys on each thigh. i spread her legs and i lick her clit slowly. "m-more please.." well shit say less. i start eating her pussy like it was my last meal.

i hear her moans starting to get loud. i shove my tongue in her hole and i go in and out slowly "d-daddy please" she moans out loud. ight then. i'm thrusting my tongue in her hole. i feel her gripping onto my hair tightly. "oh my god- billie!" "that's not my name princess" i rub her clit as i keep thrusting my tongue into her at a fast place. "daddy- f-fuckk, i'm gonna cum" "not yet baby" i take out my tongue and i shove two fingers in her and i finger her at a fast pace hitting her g-spot. "f-fuckk oh my god-" she arches her back and grips the bed sheets as she cums onto my fingers. i pull out my fingers putting them in my mouth and i lick them clean. i look at her and she has her eyes closed and she breathing heavily. "i didn't give you permission to cum babygirl" she opens her eyes and looks at me "i-i'm sorry.." "it's ok love. i'll let it slide..this time" she nods her head "we'll shower in the morning. let gets some sleep" i give her one of my t-shirts and she put it on and we get in the bed and we fall asleep cuddling

*next morning*
𝑦/𝑛 𝑝𝑜𝑣: i wake up and i see billie next to me sleeping. holy shit. was last night real or was it all a dream. idc what it was. last night was the best night of my life. i grab my phone and i see that my bestie texted me multiple times last night and i have hella miss calls from her. shit

me: hey sorry i didn't answer your texts and calls. i was um- nvm
her: where are you??
me: i'm still at the party..
her: omg y/n. did you fuck her?!
me: maybe..
her: there's no maybe. you did fuck her!!
me: ok ok i did i did
her: ok i see you bestie. how was it?
me: best sex of my life i'll tell you that 😩
her: oh lawd. it was that good?
me: hell yeah. she had me moaning her name and shit
her: ok ok too much into detail
me: whatever 🙄. but i'll text you later
her: ok bye bestie bae
me: bye bottom
her: fuck you 😒

i leave her on read then i go back to sleep cuddling with billie

ok besties hope you enjoy
this toke me so long to write. mainly bc i was procrastinating but anyways
request anything if you want to
have a good night/morning
go eat and drink
byeee. love you guys

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