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𝑦/𝑛 𝑝𝑜𝑣: i wake up in the morning and look over to my side and i see that billie isn't in bed. i sigh then i go to the bathroom and i sit down on the toilet. i look down and i see blood on my panties. "dude what the fuck. i just brought these panties" i take off my panties throwing them in the laundry basket that's in the bathroom. i grab a pair of panties and a pad from under the sink.

after i finish my business and i lay down in bed and i text billie

me: billiiieee
her: yes baby?
me: hurry back home. i started my period and these cramps will be the death of me
her: awe my poor baby. i'll be home in 20 mins probably.
me: ok i love you
her: i love you too baby

i put my phone away and i turn on netflix while i wait for billie

𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑝𝑜𝑣: after texting my baby. i go to the walmart and i buy some chocolate, her fav snacks, candies, and drinks. i pay for them then i go to chick fil a and buy her her fav meal. (ngl i want chick fil a rn)

i get home after her food. i walk upstairs to our bedroom and i walk in. "baby i'm backkk" she sits up in the bed smiling. "billie!" she says. i hand her her chick fil a. "since your on your period. i bought you chick fil a since you craving it so much" (same tho) "i also bought you chocolate and your fav snacks, candies, and drinks" i put the bags beside her then i get into bed and i look at her. "omg thank you baby" she kiss me and i kiss her back. i smile "ofc baby, i love you" "i love you too" she starts eating her food and i put on a movie "the haunted house 2" (go watch that movie. it's lowkey funny asf. not scary at all i promise)

we spent the night watching movies and cuddling while eating snacks. it's bout 11pm and i look at my baby and i see that she's sleeping. she's so cute wtf. i smile and i kiss her forehead then i turn off the tv and i put the covers on us and i cuddle her then i fall asleep

just a short fluff
i wrote it bc i'm on my period 🥲
anyways have a good morning or night
go eat and drink water
love you guys byeee

also i might do a face reveal idk yet

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