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𝑦/𝑛 𝑝𝑜𝑣: it's 2 in the morning and i have the urge to throw up. i quickly get out of bed and i run to the bathroom and i throw up in the toilet.

𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑝𝑜𝑣: i feel y/n get out the bed but i don't think enough bout it. i'm guessing she has to pee or something. then i hear her throwing up in the bathroom. i get up and i go to the bathroom and i go over to her and i hold her hair back for her. "what's wrong baby?" she finishes throwing up and she flush the toilet then she brushes her teeth "my tummy hurts.." she whines. awe my poor baby. i give her a hug and i kiss her cheek. "ok go lay down love. i'll go make some chicken soup for you" she nods her head and she goes back to our bedroom and lays down while i go downstairs to the kitchen and i cook some chicken soup for her.

after bout 30 mins (idk how long it takes to cook chicken soup lol) i finish cooking the soup and i go back upstairs to our room. she sits up and i hand her the bowl and she starts eating. i go back into the bathroom and i grab the heating pad then i come back into our room and i plug it up and i wait for it to heat then i put it on her stomach. "better baby?" "a lil bit.." i crawl back into bed layin beside y/n and i look at her. "wanna watch a movie?" "yeah baby" she smiles a bit and finishes the chicken soup putting it on the nightstand beside her. i nod and i get on netflix and i pick a movie called bebe kids (go watch that movie. it's funny as hell but it also made me cry a bit but it's good movie tho) i cuddle with y/n as we watch the movie.

by the time the movie is over. y/n is sound asleep. i look at her. she's so cute when sleeping. i love this girl to death. i turn off the tv and i kiss her forehead. "i love you baby" and with that i fell asleep cuddling my baby.

just a short fluff pov
hope you like it
have a good morning/afternoon/night
go eat and drink water
love you guys. byeee

billie eilish smuts :)Where stories live. Discover now