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𝑦/𝑛 𝑝𝑜𝑣: it's 5pm on a saturday afternoon and me and billie are just chillin in our room. we are watching tangled since it's one of my fav disney movies. billie is sitting up against the head board and i'm in between her legs facing the tv and she's playing with my hair. i love when she does that.

we hear our 4 year old daughter ,isabella, coming into our room. "mama! mommy! she says jumping in the bed smiling big. i look at her smiling "what is it baby" "can we make cookies pleaseee" she says poking out her bottom lip. the same thing billie does when she wants something. isabella looks just like billie. "ughh how can i say no to that adorable little face" billie says smiling "fuck yeah. let's make cookies" i sit up looking at billie "language eilish" "sorry sorry" she says picking up isabella and they walk out the room heading downstairs to the kitchen.

i get downstairs to the kitchen to see isabella on the counter a few inches from the stove and billie standing in front of her. i smile and i walk over to them "hi my babies" "hurry mommy! i wanna make cookies!" isa says (that's her nickname) "ok ok baby. let me get the recipe out"

 let me get the recipe out"

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(here's the recipe)

"isa turn on the oven for me and set it to 350°" i say looking at the recipe. "ok mommy!" she says and billie shows her how to turn on the oven and set it.
"billie get a big mixing bowl for me plz" she nods and she grabs a mixing bowl from the cabinets and sets it beside isa. i grab the peanut butter and brown sugar. "isa you wanna put peanut butter in the measure" "yes please" she says and i hand her the 1 cup measure thingy, the peanut butter and a spoon. "don't make a mess baby" i tell her "i won't!" as billie helps isa with the peanut butter stuff. i pour the brown sugar into the mixing bowl.

billie hands me the 1 cup full of peanut butter and i take the spoon and i put it in the mixing bowl with the brown sugar and i mix it together. "billie baby grab the vanilla extract" "yes ofc baby" she says and she grabs the vanilla from the cabinet and adds 2 tsp of it to the mixing bowl and i mixing it together for 1 minute and some seconds. (wtf is cream together? i did the recipe so wrong. i dont understand what cream together🧍🏽‍♀️. let's just pretend i did it right ok) ok so now i slowly beat the oat flour mixture into the peanut butter mixture until it forms a crumbly dough. then i beat the mixture in almond milk. "isa can you get the vegan chocolate chips from behind you plz" "yes mommy" she says and grabs them from behind her hand them to me "thanks baby" i say. then billie comes behind me and hugs me "hey baby" she says putting her chin on my shoulders "hi baby" i smile "let me do the rest of the work babe" i turn around looking up at her since she's taller than me and i nod kissing her lips "ok baby" i say then i go over to the sink and i wash my hands.

i finish washing my hands and i go over to isa "baby you wanna go to the living room and watch a movie while mama finish makin the cookies" "yes! can we watch lab rats please" she says makin that adorable little face again "ofc baby" she say picking her up off the counter and i take us into the living room and i sit her down on the carpet where some of her toys are. i turn on the tv turning to disney+ and i put on the labs rat for isa. we watch the show as we play with her toys.

𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑝𝑜𝑣: after i finish making the cookies and i put them in the oven. i go to the living room and i sit down up against the couch and i look at my beautiful wife and daughter. god im so lucky to have them in my life. they mean so much to me and i don't ever wanna lose them. i look at y/n. the love of my life. the girl i married 3 years ago. we meet in high school freshman year and started dating junior year. i knew she was the one when i first saw her. now she's mines till death do us part. we were 17 when we first started dating. i proposed to her at 20 and now we are 23 with a 4 year old daughter. i come back to reality when i hear y/n say my name. "billie baby" she says and i look at her smiling "why you so smiley" she asked "i was just thinking bout how i have a beautiful wife and daughter that makes me happy" i say and i see her blushing and smiling "i love you eilish" "i love you too baby" i say kissing her. "mama!" i hear isa say and i look at her "yes baby" "go check the cookies" "right right" i laugh a bit.

i get up and i go the kitchen and i open the oven and i look at cookies. they look done. i grab a towel and i pull the pan out of the oven closing it back and i set the pan on the stove. "the cookies are done but they gotta cool off" i walk to the fridge and i grab some whipped cream and i put some in my mouth. "mm so good.."

after bout 5 mins. the cookies should be cooled off "isa, y/n. how many cookies you want!?" "i want 4" isa says. "i want 3" y/n says and i nod "ok my babies" i fix our plates then i go to the living room handing everyone their plates. we all eat our cookies and i watch lab rats. isa and y/n are cuddled up to me. i love this.

after like 3 hours. it's like 9pm. i look to see that isa and y/n are sleeping. i pick them both up and i take them upstairs and i take y/n to our room and i lay her down in the bed then i take isa to her room and lay her into bed and i give her a goodnight kiss on her forehead and i leave her room closing the door behind me then i go to my room to see y/n still sleeping. i close the door. i grab one of my large tshirt and i change y/n into it. i crawl into bed and y/n moves on top of me with her head on my stomach. i smile and i lean forward kissing her lips. "i love you baby" i see her smiling and i put the cover on her and i fall asleep with my hand playing with y/n hair.

have a good night or morning
go eat and drink water
i love you guys


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