Pub Feed (Chapter 1)

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(CW// alcohol, pills)

"But for now it shall remain... unsolved"
"Aaaaand.... cut."

Ryan let out a sigh and slumped in his seat. "Ugh finally. That took forever," he groaned covering his face with his hands. He spread his fingers over his face to peer at his co-host who was deep in his own thoughts. "Hey, you okay Shane?"

Shane blinked a few times, shook his head, and replied, "Yeah, Yeah sorry, just.... thinking." "Well, why don't we head down to the pub to get your mind off things? Whaddya say, Moth Man?" Ryan questioned. Shane smiled, perhaps at the nickname or at the thought of going to the pub (Ryan wasn't sure), and nodded; shifting in his seat.

Ryan stood up from his seat, stretched a bit, patted Shane's shoulder, and said "See ya around 6 pm, Shaniac." before leaving the BuzzFeed building. Ryan swung his car keys around on his finger, walking with a newfound swagger. He stood in front of his car, unlocked it, and entered it. He connected his phone to his car, opened Spotify, and pressed shuffle on his playlist.

Ryan relaxed in his seat as "Pub Feed" by The Chats started to fill the void in his car. He then buckled his seat belt and drove off to his apartment complex to shower and get some other work done.

(Time skip)

Ryan was in his apartment room setting up a computer, other wires, and such. He shuffled through some papers when he finally decided on one named, Moth Man. He set it up in front of him, about to write the script for the newest Buzzfeed Unsolved episode when he was suddenly interrupted by a phone call.

He answered it quickly, "Hello?"
"Ryan where are you"
"Yes, you said we were gonna be there at 6 pm, where are you?"
"Oh shit," He started to unplug wires and shove papers away, "is it really six already?"
"well, 6:35 actually," Shane said matter-of-factly.
"ugh, okay I'm heading over right now, shit, sorry Shane," Ryan internally facepalmed.
"it's okay Ryan please just be careful."
"ugh you sound like my mother"
Shane's laugh echoed out from the phone causing Ryan's cheeks to dust pink only for a second.
"Whatever you say, little man, see ya when you get here, buh-bye"
"Yeah, bye."

The phone beeped to indicate the call had ended. Ryan's hand flew up to his face as he sighed deeply, how did he lose track of time? He stood up from his desk and went into his closet to change his clothes. He grabbed a white dress shirt, a pair of black pants, and a belt. He adjusted the sleeves of his shirt to stop at his forearms because he knew that it would be pretty hot in a packed pub during the middle of summer.

(time skip because I don't wanna write about Ryan driving to the bar)

Ryan entered the pub's doors and looked around for his friend. He saw Shane staring at apparently nothing with an almost melancholy face. His co-worker was wearing a sweater with a dress shirt under it and a yellow jacket over it all. Ryan sat next to him and greeted him, "Hey, Tree Trunk, I made it."

Shane shifted out of his trance and smiled at Ryan, "Took you long enough," he joked. The two had multiple conversations and drinks throughout the night. Ryan was way more intoxicated than Shane was because Shane was their designated driver. Soon the conversation had become about the outfit Shane was wearing.

"Aren't you hot or something Shane?" Ryan interrogated. "Uhm, no not really heh," Shane answered, a tone of unsureness in his voice. "You sure, man? It's like a kajillion degrees in here," Ryan continued to pester. "I'm sure Ryan, I'm just fine," Shane repeated, that tone of unsureness still lingering in his voice.

Ryan frowned slightly not believing his friend, then ordered another shot of whiskey. Shane looked at the time on his phone and told the shorter man, "Hey, this is your last drink, we gotta head home, okay?" Ryan looked up at the worried man next to him and nodded, downing the shot. The liquid burned down the boy's throat, making him cough in the process. Shane got out of his seat and helped Ryan walk out to his car.

Shane helped Ryan into the back of his car before getting into the driver's seat himself. As Shane drove away from the pub he started to notice Ryan dozing off in the back. "I can't just bring him to his house in a state like this. What if something bad happens," Shane thought to himself. So with that in mind, he drove himself and Ryan to his house.

When he arrived at his house he picked up the now asleep Ryan from the back of his car and carried him into his house. He didn't want to hurt Ryan's neck or back in the morning so, instead of putting him on the couch to sleep, he laid him onto his bed. When he got him all situated and tucked in, he went into his bathroom. He grabbed his pill bottle full of Lemborexant that he got for his insomnia. He put one or two of the pills into his palm and threw them into his mouth, dry swallowing them.

He left the bathroom and went into his closet to change his clothes. He threw off the multiple layers of shirts he was wearing and grabbed an old graphic tee, throwing it on. He tore off his pants and stumbled over to his bed and laid down next to Ryan. He set his phone alarm to 8:30 am, turned off his phone, and tried to fall asleep (which was always a hassle for him). When he finally got comfortable and he was drifting off he felt a pair of small arms wrap around his waist and pull him close.

(A/N: Hey, Thanks for reading! I hope you have enjoyed it so far. Comments and favorites are appreciated <3)

(word count: 1021)

You Drive Me Crazy &quot;Moth Man&quot; (Shyan)Where stories live. Discover now