Smoke Breaks (Chapter 2)

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(CW- Smoking)

Shane wasn't always like this. He didn't always have his co-worker in his bed. He didn't always have shaky hands. He didn't always have to go outside to smoke just to calm his nerves. He had to hold back a cough as he inhaled the toxic smoke. He knew that this could kill him, but he couldn't stop, it was sort of comforting for him.

It was around 3:00 am and he was outside crying and smoking. He exhaled slowly, watching as the smoke pillared up into the dim sky. He grabbed the cigarette out of his mouth and extinguished it onto the back of his hand like he had many times before. He gasped slightly from the pain, then re-entered the building. You might be wondering why he was smoking and crying, and the answer was... well, he wasn't sure, but he thinks it has something to do with the anxiety of Ryan in his home.

He walked into his bathroom room and splashed cold water onto his tired face. He looked at himself in the mirror and stared at all his "imperfections." He had a weirdly shaped head, he was abnormally tall, his facial hair was out of control, and he had massive dark circles from his chronic insomnia. He rubbed his face, filled with tiredness and disappointment, and walked back to his bed. He crawled into his bed, careful to not wake Ryan.

Shane must have been magnetic because as soon as he laid down Ryan scooted over to him and tucked his head into the nook of Shane's neck. Shane blushed a bit and snickered moving his body closer to Ryan's (for the warmth of course 😉).

[time skip]

Shane woke up first, around 7:00, with a face full of raven hair. He smiled lovingly then he realized the situation he was in. Ryan had his hands around a little lower than Shane's waist, his head was in the crook of Shane's neck, and Shane could feel his hot breath against his chest. Shane's face was beet red, his arms around Ryan's upper body; kind of like an embrace, his face was surrounded by Ryan's dark hair, and his legs were entangled with Ryan's. Shane started to silently panic.

Slowly, he attempted to untangle their legs and pry Ryan's grip on his waist, trying his best to not wake the smaller man. When he was finally able to squeeze out of Ryan's grip he got out of his bed and began to make breakfast. He wasn't the best cook in the world, but he was okay at it in his opinion. He cracked some eggs into a mixing bowl in preparation to make scrambled eggs. He began to space out while stirring the eggs; thinking about Ryan and the position they were in.

"Hey Shane, if you mix that any longer you'll have bad eggs," A voice said from across the room. He snapped out of it and saw Ryan leaning against the door frame of his bedroom. "How'd I even get here anyway?" He continued. "Oh, well last night you fell asleep in the back of my car and... well now you're here," Shane explained. Ryan only nodded in response and went to sit on Shane's couch.

Shane smiled, happy that he didn't ask any more questions, then he realized what he was wearing. A mixture of fear and embarrassment washed over the tall man. He was wearing a T-shirt, that showed his arms that were littered with burn marks, scratches, and bite marks (some from his former lover, some from himself). He was also in his boxers with Ryan only a few feet away. He rushed with making the eggs, set them on the table, and told Ryan to help himself to as many eggs as he wanted.

Shane ran to his closet and threw on a red shirt and a black denim jacket. He also put on gray (grey) trousers. He stumbled out of his closet and sat next to Ryan on the couch with a huff. "Ya not gonna eat?" Ryan asked with a mouthful of eggs. Shane just shrugged. Ryan looked down at his own outfit, "Hey uh Shane, do you think I could borrow some clothes for today?" Shane responded, "Yeah, sure, why not."

And with that Ryan stood up from the couch and traveled to Shane's closet. As he moved the clothes on the rack he noticed that Shane didn't have that many short-sleeved shirts, which kind of surprised him. He grabbed a Hawaiian shirt that Shane had and threw it on. He also took a pair of black jeans but, felt something in the pocket.

When he checked he found a single cigarette. He almost immediately dropped it on the ground and just stared at it. How did that get into his pocket? That has to be a friends, Shane doesn't smoke. Does he?

"Everything okay in their bud?" Shane shouted from the kitchen. Ryan jumped at the sudden loudness, then shouted, "Yeah, one second." He looked at the pants and had no other choice, but to put that pair on. He walked out looking a little goofy, but that's Ryan Bergara for you. Shane smiled at the shorter man and asked him if he was ready to go, to which Ryan nodded.

They stepped out of Shane's apartment and walked to Shane's car. When Ryan entered, it reeked of alcohol. "How much did I drink last night?" Ryan quizzed. "I don't know, but it was a lot," Shane responded. Shane pulled out of his parking spot and drove off to the BuzzFeed offices.

[Time Skip]

Shane and Ryan had been at work for around six and a half hours by now. Ryan was working on the script for the newest episode of Buzzfeed: Unsolved and Shane was editing the video they recorded yesterday. Shane's focus on his work was interrupted by one of his co-workers tapping on his shoulder. Shane removed the headphones from his head and listened to what the coworker wanted to ask him. "Hey Shane, me and a few other people are gonna head to a party later after work and we were wondering if you and Ryan would want to come?" The person in front of Shane asked.

Shane was about to decline the offer when Ryan perked up behind him, "Yeah, totally we'll be there. What time?" Shane stared bullets into the shorter male, to which Ryan didn't notice. "It's at 8:00 at Keith's house," The person responded. "Alright see you there dude," Ryan chirped as the coworker walked away. "Dude, what the fuck," Shane groaned.

"What, it's gonna be fun, besides we should be getting out more," Ryan said leaning back in his chair. Shane just rubbed his face due to stress. "Come on, big man, it'll be fine, just relax," Ryan said. Shane looked at Ryan (who had his signature goofy smile on), rolled his eyes, and nodded his head in defeat.

"Fine, I'll go to your stupid party Bergara," Shane exhaled. He would later regret this decision...

//Favorites and Comments are appreciated <3//

(Word Count: 1196)

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