Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Catherine rushed through the restaurant with a tray full of drinks. It was lunch hour and they had many reservations booked already.

It was five years already since she had started working for the restaurant. She was now the supervisor over the restaurant and the owners were working on opening a hotel beside the restaurant where they had promised her that she would be the head supervisor over the restaurant and hotel. She had proven to be a brilliant reliable employee and she was working hard on her dream. Being the General Manager.

What the owners had liked about her was her simplicity. She was supervisor but if needed she was a pair of extra hands at waiting tables. She could do both jobs at the same time. Much easier she always said. She had mastered skills.

Edna had married Marlon as she had promised and she was pregnant with a baby boy. They kept in contact after she had moved to Europe with Marlon.

George was still working and he never changed. He never improved. He kept being a waiter and hadn’t ambitioned going further. He was happy waiting tables and picking up tips.

Two of the other girls were fired and the third one left in search of a different life. The cooks and the chef worked in a team. If one was to leave all the rest would too, so they stayed.

Catherine had turned thirty two a week ago. But with the life she lived she kept looking young. Her rosy cheeks always maintained their color. Her beautiful black hair was almost always up in a bun or a braid. Her peach skin was flawless. She spent a good chunk of her money on the injections to avoid the wrinkles. Her big bright black eyes were so alert and attractive. She had gained back her curves and men noticed her even more.

She dated a few men. Rich men. Most of them she had met at the restaurant and they all seemed to have something in common, which was the reason for her to stop dating them: they all wanted to bed her and show off what a beautiful woman they had gotten into their bed. She wasn’t about to be ‘one more in their list’. They claimed to have been hypnotized by her ‘powerful charm’. She didn’t buy those compliments. She had once fallen for them and her heart had been ripped apart after that. Now that she had opened her heart for someone else she expected someone simpler. Someone who would not tell her how beautiful she was, but someone who would make her feel beautiful and wanted. Wanted forever. She wanted romance. Not wild sex for one night.

She continued busying herself until lunch rush hour was over. Then she sat down and munched on her own food.

Two tables were still occupied but she assumed George would do his job without much of her supervision.

While she ate, she recalled random rumors she had heard about the owners wanting to sell the restaurant. She was just very surprised that they hadn’t commented anything to her but then again, those were only random rumors and she prayed there was nothing else beyond. At this point she couldn’t lose all she had achieved. And if the restaurant was to be sold—her biggest fears would be losing her position if the the new owners weren’t impressed with her. 

She dismissed those thoughts as she took the last bite of her food. “I’ll cross that bridge when I get there—if I get there’ she thought.

“The last customers are gone” George announced as he approached her table. He grabbed a chair and sat across from her with his plate of food in hand.

“We already have reservations for 6:oo pm. Have you looked at the guest list?” she asked George because he always had his nose everywhere, even though he was not the one supposed to check the mail. He liked courting Melinda, the girl in charge of that task.

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