Chapter 6

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Jason walked through the corridors of his private school. He had been sent to a foreign country to complete high school because Catherine worked full time and his Grandparents had both died last year. A tragedy he couldn’t cope with so easily. He had been in the school’s soccer team for a while but had been permanently removed because he never gave the same results as he once had, he had bad habits, was rebellious and always got into fights with other teams—even when playing friendly games. Then eventually he started hanging out with the crowd of druggies and trouble makers and he no longer cared about sports. They were his family, the ones that gave him the medicine for depression. A depression  that had invaded him since he began boarding school, away from home, away from family, dealing with puberty and without understanding the reason he was sent away.

Now sixteen years old, his mommy back at the beach, probably thought she was raising him the right way. Sending him to an expensive boarding school that was ruled by the students and where drugs was the main thing they learnt about. And they didn’t learn about the side effects. They learnt how good it felt to forget about their parents who saw them like obstacles in the house that would give them better results if they were tucked away in a school. Parents who only cared to receive a report card and hoped their kids were doing fine with their grades. Grades which were often below C’s. But of course  his mother ignored that. She thought it was a great school; where celebrities and the rich sent their children.

“ Hi Jason. How’s it going?” Miranda asked. She was the pretty 18 year old he’d been sleeping with in the last few months. She was part of the group who did drugs.

“Hey” he replied as he approached his locker “ I’m great. Could be better with a dose of white powder and your sexy legs wide apart for me” he said as he pinned a kiss to her lips.

“Fuck you Jason. Is your dick the only thing you use to think?”


“You’re such a cynic”

“I know. This place taught me to be so”

“Ok. Well we girls are thinking about throwing a party in Dora’s room tonight. Just the five of us and you guys are invited. We want no extra wheels so just make sure there’s five boys. Tonight you’ll have my legs wide apart for you if you get me some of the white powder”

“You sure will have that honey” he said and walked away.

He couldn’t care about getting sentimentally involved with any of the girls at school. In fact, he didn’t care about getting sentimentally involved at all—except with his white powder or green herb.

Tomorrow was his seventeenth birthday and his mom had promised him the car he had been begging for. She would fly in to see him exclusively to make sure he got it in the right color and anything else he wanted.

Jason had been getting it his way with his mom over the last five years. New vehicles. Money. Anything he wanted was his.

That had made him an arrogant person. Girls were charmed by his good looks but as soon as he spoke they’d walk away or they would sleep with him and make him one in their list—because there were rumors that he was great in bed—so every girl was bound to try him. Every other girl except one. Lindsay. And she was truly in love with the arrogant Jason—the popular mama’s boy.

So Jason was attending the party and he was getting ‘laid’ again, by the beautiful Miranda.

Dora’s room was big enough to host ten people. A big bed was on one corner and a small love seat on the other. A table she used for studying was now their mini bar and stood in the center of the room. The table had a small glass bowl with XTC pills and some other drugs. Vodka, tequila, whiskey and some rum bottles were already set up beside the bowl.

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