Chapter 10

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Jason woke up in a hard bed, the room was cold and smelled stale. The walls were gray. He sat up and recognized the room as a cell. A jail cell! Wonderful—he thought sarcastically.

Memories of what happened the day before flashed back making him feel like he’d been part of a horror movie, but the cold reality that was before his eyes spoke of a nightmare that would never end.

He walked to the burglar bars and peeped outside. He saw a long line of cells and more cells. He spotted a security guard walking down the hall toward his cell. As he walked the cells behind him began to take life as others prisoner began making noises, screaming and shaking the bars. The scene seemed like he was the master of hungry dogs who came out to plea for food—or worse who were hungry for kill.

The security guard stopped at Jason’s cell and unlocked it. Jason saw a quick movement from the guard and then he realized something hard was trapping his hands. Handcuffed he was ordered to walk down the hall.

As he stepped out his cell the prisoners began mocking “ the new kid ”.

Jason felt red in his face but he kept his gaze down, peeping under his lashes only.

Jason noticed that at the last cell there was an old guy, he read a book. His hair showed some gray and wisdom as he looked up at Jason.

“ You don’t want to mess with that old man, boy’’ the guard announced as he waved at the old man.

Jason kept staring at the man for some odd reason. His eyes were blue and he looked well built—well everyone in the prison did, he always saw that on TV and now all those TV images came alive before his eyes.

They walked some more, then they entered a room where he was ordered to change clothes. For the first time then, Jason noticed he wore the same clothes as the day before. And there on an old iron table lay his new clothing. The one he’d be wearing for a long time—the guard had said.

He wondered who would take care of his bailout, was he entitled to a lawyer. He asked the guard those questions, the guard laughed and didn’t reply.

Jason was ushered toward and exit door. Then he was given a ‘tour’ of the prison. He was also given instructions of what time he had to get out of bed, his chores and eating time. If he was five minutes late to getting his food he would starve the rest of the day. His chores went from washing bathrooms to doing dishes and even cooking, all of this of course with other prisoners ‘help’. That help sounded more like hell to Jason than help. he would rather do the dishes and washing alone.

“ Every week you’ll have different chores. And your waking time is 4:30 AM. Everyone runs around that field over there’’ the guard announced pointing toward a soccer field, “ at least five times, then everyone goes to the shower. Breakfast is served at 6:00 am. You have 15 minutes to eat your food and then you begin your chores, when you’re done you go back to your cell. Punishment for any misbehavior is served in a special secluded cell underground for three days with special dinners of bread and water. Now let’s walk back to your new cell”

“New cell?” Jason asked.

“Yes. Did you think you would get a five star suite, rich boy? You will be sharing a cell with three other prisoners”

Shit---Jason thought.

The guard walked him to his cell. The old man’s cell. Jason then saw that there were two other prisoners in their bunk beds, sleeping.

He walked quietly to his bed. The snores of his new roommates muffled the sound of his entrance.

A toilette seat was at the far end of the cell and a dirty wash basin stood beside it. Like the guard had said, this wasn’t any five star hotel room and in Jason’s opinion it had no stars at all. Ah the price one ought to pay for the sweet pleasure of revenge. Having no one in the world that cared for him, he felt like this place was better than anything the world had to offer out there. He was satisfied.  Not with the place but with having his mother’s murder finally avenged.

He heard the old man in the next bed make a grumbling noise and he turned to see the same old grey haired guy he had seen earlier, begin to rub his eyes in an attempt to wake up from his nap.

“Hey there’’ said the old man, “welcome to our world, what’s your story?”

Jason looked at him with questioning eyes and replied “No story” he then grabbed his blanket and laid down, his back turned to the old man.

“It’s ok Jason” the old man spoke as if he knew Jason intimately!

“How do you know my name?” Jason demanded.

“Listen son---”

“ Don’t call me son!” Jason sat up and yelled at the old man, “ I have never been called son in my life by any man and that is thanks to the son of  a bitch who left my mom pregnant and never returned for his son. I hate the bastard! I don’t ever wanna be called son. My mother was both for me’’ he finished, fury in his eyes.

The man in the other bed wriggled a bit and sat up, “ Whassamatter?” he asked, his eyes still half shut. His jet black curls looked greasy and his face was unshaven. He appeared to be Hispanic and his accent gave him away as he spoke.

“ We got new kid on the block” said the old man.

“No shit” the prisoner said and to Jason he added “welcome bro”.

Jason didn’t reply.

“ Listen Jason, I was metaphorically speaking, not literally. I’m sorry to have bothered you son, but be sure and aware that no one else in this prison will apologize to you. So I suggest you calm down and practice some humbleness ‘round here”

“ why do you bother with me? You don’t even know me” Jason replied, this time his voice was normal.

“I don’t bother with you, I do with everyone else. Because I believe that prison should be like a rehabilitation center where you should be treated with love and respect, to those who accept it, of course” the man spoke wisely and sincerely. It almost made Jason wanna run to him and tell him, I wish you were my father. Why was he being so nice? Was he really like that to everyone else?

“ So then why are you here and not somewhere else with a masters degree. I bet some hospital would’ve hired you by now. You sound like a tender caring nurse” Jason’s reply sounded more like a statement than a question.

The old man smiled.

“I’m John” he said extending his hand to Jason, “and I am friendly. I offer friendship and I hate trouble but be sure to find the dark side of me if you look for it”

Jason shook his hand and didn’t bother saying his name as it appeared the old man knew him already.

“This Saul Ramirez. He’s here because he drank his way here and while on the trip he made a few armed robberies” John told Jason.

Saul smiled and raised a hand as in greeting Jason.

Jason wondered what was up with this Saul guy, he seemed totally devoted to this old grey haired man and with no opinion of his own. Totally dependant!

“ Hi” Jason said softly.

“ So what’s your story, kiddo? And start by telling me your age. You look young” he sounded like an old friend to Jason.

“don’t feel like talking now” Jason replied.

“C’mon” John asked jokingly “we are like your new family now. Your best friends. Your roommates. And it is so much better when you have someone to talk to than to keep it all bottled up. It helps you get through it all. I learned that when I first got in. I was lucky to find someone willing to listen and to be a friend. And yes I know it sounds strange but in places like this there is a great possibility to meet true friends. I wanna be that to you” There was a strong, indescribable connection John felt towards Jason the moment he saw him. maybe it was because he dreamed of the son he never met and tried to find him in Jason because Jason looked approximately his age.  

Jason gave a little laugh. “You know man, you really sound like a psychologist rather than a criminal”

“I am not a criminal. This is all a mistake and I am paying for it. I won’t pressure you anymore kiddo. But I know you will want to open up sometime. I will be here”

Jason mumbled a ‘thanks’ and settled back in his bed.

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