Chapter 11, Final Chapter

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A month later Jason was still not used to routine but finally and slowly he began digesting the fact that he was in for good in this goddamn prison. He no longer expected anyone to come looking for him. Just his friends from school were left and he lost contact with them after he left. They were in some faraway country probably still enjoying parties, learning nothing and having sex in various ways. Like he once had.

He thought back to what John had offered. A friendship. And hell---why not take it. everyone in prison respected him and many said they had changed their mentality after speaking to him. They all believed him—or in him.

He finished the dishes and decided that he would talk to John that night. He began walking towards the kitchen door to leave and stopped short at the sight of three other prisoners walking into the kitchen. The look in their faces reflected trouble. Trouble for Jason. They cornered him.

“Hi girlie” one of them said “how are your fingernails with the hard work?” the guy grabbed Jason’s hand and inspected them with mock in his eyes. he then raised it for the others to see.

Jason made no comment and sidestepped the guy to get to the door. The two others blocked the door.

The bigger guy pushed him “tell me pussy, why does that old man watch you so much? Why does he take care of you? Does he get in your pants at nights?”

“I…I don’t know what you talking about man” Jason stammered his words out.

They guy laughed.

“Doesn’t he look like fresh meat boys?” he asked the others. “you know what happens to pretty boys like you in this prison” he asked Jason while his hand went up his shirt.

How disgusting—Jason thought. With all his strength he pushed the guy to the side and ran to the back door exit. The other guys caught up with him.

They pinned him down and the big guy came after him. fury revealed in his eyes. Jason was trapped.

They guy began pulling his pants down and then he went to Jason’s while the others held him. Jason screamed and called out for help. And just when the big guy was about to rape him, three guards ran into the kitchen, their police sticks ready. They struck the guys first and then they carried them away.

The big guy looked at a shaking Jason with “I’ll come back for you” look that made Jason shake even more.

Jason was escorted to his cell. No one was in the cell at the time. Jason felt dirty and even though the guys didn’t get away with their crime he felt he no longer could bear prison life. He was better off dead. He knew they would come back for him and it would probably be worse the next time. he stared at the beds. He grabbed one of the blankets. This felt like what had happened with Michael, he thought. he was going to use it as a rope. He looked up at the ceiling and saw the steel rafters. They weren’t high so it would be an easy job. He slid the blanket through one of the rafters and secured it with two tight knots. He then climbed the bed and wrapped the blanket around his neck. He closed his eyes and as he was about to jump from the bed to hang off from the blanket, John entered the cell.

“What’s the matter with you idiot” he yelled.

Jason startled, opened his eyes and stared at John. After a silent moment he said “leave me alone John. I can’t take it in here”

“what happened to you? What is so bad that you want to commit suicide. You are young and luckily after what you did, you only got five years in prison. It helped that the bastard you killed was a criminal himself. Can’t you stand five years? And then you will be free. Think about me 24 years and I didn’t even kill anyone” John was angry by the time he finished speaking.

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