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Taehyung's meeting went well and he got the new project for which so many top level businessmen of the country were aiming.He was really grateful for it.Though Taehyung is only 24years old, he never failed in any of the unannounced competitions of the business world.

At such a young young age, he managed to become one of the richest people of South Korea.His company has been one of the top companies by now.Taehyung was always perfect - a perfect son,a perfect student,now a perfect businessman and also an example to many.

His father was a well known doctor and his mother was a famous lawyer but he decided that he wanted to do something else, something where he can use his own ideas to bring more productivity.So he started his own company at the age of 21.Because of his hard work,patience and intelligence, the company reached such height within 3years which was more than enough to make people feel envious of him.

Right at the moment, Taehyung was almost free for the rest of the day after getting the project for which he worked hard for weeks.So he decided to celebrate this happy moment with his parents like he usually does.He informed them about it and they all decided to go the beach first and then to a restaurant to have dinner.

He was happy with the thinking of spending some family time after so long.He told his assistant to handle everything for the remaining hours and to inform him if anything necessary came up.Then he walked out of the company.Soon he drove out of the company parking lot.

Taehyung always preferred driving by himself.The driver was needed only when he's not in the mood of driving.
He headed towards his home.A smile was on his lips when he thought that he's making his parents feel proud of him.He was also thinking about the upcoming projects which could profit his company a lot if everything goes well.

While driving, he suddenly noticed a boy who was on the middle of the road, right in front of his car to be precise.His brain stopped working as he thought that he's going to hit the boy with his car within seconds.The boy on the road had his eyes widened in shock but he didn't move from his place at all.Thank God that Taehyung got his sense back right on time and pressed the break paddle.

The car stopped near the boy only by a few millimeters of difference.Taehyung was beyond angry.He got out of the car and started shouting at the boy.But the boy acted like he was deaf.He was standing there like a statue.Taehyung wasn't even sure if the boy was breathing or not.He walked towards the boy and that's when he saw the boy's face properly.The boy looked young and cute(?).Taehyung shook his thoughts off and yelled at the boy -

"Yaah...How can you be this careless?What if you got hit and died.Just because of your foolishness I was about to be involved in a crime."

Jungkook was still standing on the road as if he's a statue but when the handsome man started walking towards him, he got his senses.He didn't know what to do.He could see the anger in the other's eyes.Just when he thought to apologise for his mistake, the man in front of him started yelling at him.When he heard the other's words, he felt hurt(?)

The man wasn't even asking if he was alright or not.He was just shouting at him for his fault.Jungkook has never ever in his life got shouted at like this.Even if he's a bit naughty and clumsy, his parents and his friends never yelled at him like that.He's eyes got teary at the other man's scolding.

Seeing the tears in the boy's eyes, Taehyung felt bad but he didn't care.He should not care.After all, he was a strict person who hated people who can't control their own emotions in front of others.He mocked the boy in front of him -

"Oh please, don't show off your tears.When you do something wrong, just apologise and don't do the same mistake ever again.From the next time when you cross the road, open your eyes widely and don't keep your mind on other unnecessary stuffs." Saying that he moved towards his car.But he stopped when he heard a sweet(?) voice saying sorry.

He turned towards the boys who just apologised to him, he didn't have the teardrops in his eyes anymore.In fact, he looked quite angry.He looked kinda cute like that though!

Taehyung again scolded himself for thinking of the unknown guy like that.But the next words that came out of the boys mouth made Taehyung mad once again -

"Sorry for my mistake Mister.But don't you think you are at fault too.I was just crossing the road.But where did you put your senses when you were about to hit me with the car?You realised you were about to hit me at the last moment.Don't you think you need to concentrate on driving instead of thinking whatever you were busy thinking at the moment?Just like you said earlier, you also need to apologise first and then correct your mistake."

"Don't you dare to talk back to me."  Taehyung almost growled.Never in his life, someone dared to talk back to him.People couldn't even look at his eyes while talking in front of him and look at this boy who's talking to him in a tone nobody could ever imagine of.

"If you don't like people talking back to you, then don't create a situation like that."  Jungkook replied and walked away as fast as he could from there.Actually, Jungkook is a brave boy who doesn't know what fear is but the man's angry eyes made him feel weak.Still Jungkook didn't want the man to think that he's weak.So he replied and walked away quickly.He also knew it was his fault but he didn't really need to admit it to the man right?

Taehyung was red from anger.The boy really knew how to turn a good day into a bad one.How he dared to talk like that to the Kim Taehyung.How could he?He was looking at the fading back of the boy angrily when his mom called and told him that they were home and waiting for him.

That's when he realised that he wasted more than 15minutes because of that stupid boy.He tried to cool himself down and started driving towards home again.

He had better plans than keep being angry with that boy anyways.


"Some people don't have manners and they think that the whole world owes them something.Rude people like him don't deserve anyone's apology.They need to know how it is felt when someone talks rudely to you.You did a great job, Kookie." Jungkook murmured when he got a seat on the bus.

He smiled to himself when he remembered how he made the rude,handsome man angry.For some reason, he couldn't deny the fact that he wanted to meet the man again.He didn't know why but he really wanted to.......


So, this was all I could write for the second part.Let me know how was it :(

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