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It's so sad that Suga oppa tested positive for Covid.I hope, he gets well soon.Take care of yourselves as well guys.Stay safe :)




Suddenly, something snapped inside Taehyung.He stormed towards the three who seemed like some frozen creatures at that moment.

Jimin was still on the floor but his laughter died down, Jungkook was still on top of Hoseok who was too shocked to even react and an open mouthed Jungkook was still in that position with wide eyes.

Jungkook blinked once,twice and before he could register what just happened, he was harshly pulled away from the top of that employee by none other than the CEO himself.

He turned towards the person who pulled him and gulped seeing an angry Taehyung who was clenching his jaw while glaring at them.Hoseok immediately stood up with wide eyes.He still was processing what just happened within a few seconds.

And Jimin...well he stood up and looked everywhere except Taehyung's raging eyes.He knew how dangerous a jealous Taehyung could be.

"What do you think you were doing?" Taehyung's deeper than usual voice gave the three chills going down their spines.

Being the smart guy in the situation, Jimin kept his mouth shut while Jungkook tried to say something.But nothing came out of his mouth realising how tightly Taehyung was grabbing his wrist.

Meanwhile, Hobi decided to answer on behalf of all the three thinking it wasn't a good thing to ignore their boss.

"Sir, I was busy working but this adorable boy here fall on me accidentally because of Jimin-ssii." Hoseok spoke while pointing at Jungkook.

Though he knew Jimin already as he had a friendly and cheery nature like him, he still didn't know Jungkook's name.So he referred to him as 'adorable guy' coz it was the truth.He didn't have any bad intention.But Taehyung was too jealous to notice it.He glared at the man with anger who was now confused what he did wrong.

So he decided to speak....again.....

"Sir, it wasn't anyone's fault to be honest.It wo......" He couldn't complete his sentence coz Taehyung already started walking away after giving a look to Jimin.

"Mr. Jeon, to my cabin.NOW."

Taehyung's stern voice thundered inside that wing.His voice was loud enough to attract everyone's attention who were working on that particular floor.They have never seen their boss that angry, that too because of a small incident like this.

Everyone was aware of the fact that it wasn't the boy's fault.The only thing they could do was to hope for the boy to not get fired.


Jungkook entered Taehyung's cabin after few minutes.He already knew that he would need to do to deal with an angry and upset Taehyung.

He looked at his lover who was back facing him while staring outside from the huge,tinted glass window.Jungkook smiled a little when Taehyung didn't bother to turn around even after realising his presence in the cabin.He walked towards the angry tiger and hugged him from his backside.







Jungkook laughed internally when Taehyung still didn't show any sign responding.He decided to play his last card.

THE CEO'S BABYBUNWhere stories live. Discover now