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When Taehyung reached home it was almost 8pm.A smile was dancing on his plump lips which screamed about the satisfaction in his heart.

As usual, his parents were watching TV in the living room while waiting for him.Taehyung told them beforehand that he would take a day off cause "he wanted to relax and roam around the city a bit" which still seems like a miracle to them.

The elder Kim couple got distracted from the screen when Taehyung entered the room.They couldn't help but frown in curiosity when they noticed how happy Taehyung looked right at that moment.They wanted to question him where he spent his day and why he's looking this happy after missing one day of work(coz Taehyung is a workaholic and he hates taking off days).

But for now, they just decided to not ask him anything.They know their son would tell them if there was something important going on in his life.They will wait for the moment.

After all, Taehyung's happiness is all they can ever ask for!


When Jungkook reached home,he didn't find his parents as he expected.He checked his phone only to see a text from his mom saying they would be late coz they suddenly had to attend a party of a friend of Mr. Jeon and he should have dinner alone.

Jungkook sighed in relief thinking they didn't get caught on their very first date.After replying he went for a bath and then changed into some comfy clothes.He then checked his phone and a shy smile formed on his face when he noticed Taehyung's text saying that he reached home and he already missed his bunny.Jungkook was about to reply but then he decided to ignore Taehyung's text coz he wanted some revenge for the days he spent in anxiety.

He then went to make something simple for dinner.While doing so, he couldn't stop smiling remembering how they spent their day.Jungkook's cheeks heat up when he remembered the kisses they shared.His cheeks reddened when he remembered what happened when they reached his home.

"I really enjoyed the day, Taehyung.Thank you so much for spending your day with me.Bye.See you soo..." - Jungkook couldn't complete the sentence coz that hungry tiger pulled him for another passionate kiss holding him by his nape.

Jungkook blushed red and he panicked at the same time thinking what if his parents see them in this situation.He tried to push Taehyung away but that stubborn handsome man just tightened the other arm around his waist.Soon Jungkook gave in and let Taehyung do whatever he wanted.

After a few moments, Taehyung buried his head in the crook of Jungkook's neck, hugging him really tight.He left some soft kisses there mumbling  "I'll meet you soon.I also enjoyed the day very much.Bye."

Jungkook was speechless.He just ran his fingers through Taehyung's soft hairs and kissed his head multiple times.After a minute, Taehyung pulled away and finally they parted their ways.

Jungkook shook his head and tried to concentrate on his cooking even though it wasn't easy with all the thoughts he was having...


After having dinner with his parents, Taehyung went to his room and checked his phone.He frowned noticing Jungkook saw his text but didn't reply.

He shrugged it off thinking Jungkook might be with his parents right now or he might have slept after having such a tiring day.

So he decided to open his laptop to check if there's any important mail.He also had to check how his assistant took care of the works of the day without him being present in the company.

He soon got busy with some files that his assistant sent him for a final check.


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