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Some time had passed since you and Mikasa had been shopping-- at least in the supermarket. A experience that had been proved as very nerve wrecking, but funny against the end. That was because some people decided to stare at both of you. Others as example a teenage pair was snickering at how you were dancing out of line. Which hit something for their liking,

As you were going with Mikasa forward to the cash register you had smiled brightly. Mikasa was already questioning if she had done something stupid to make you smile. Waiting on the end of the row while it got smaller and smaller with every single person's purchases that have been paid for was bringing you closer to an end of the boring wait. But at the same time you didn't felt like wanting to lose the closeness you've got with Mikasa.

As you heard the females voice booming through your head you noticed how you had been falling into thoughts. You shook your head snapping out of them. Your eyes focused on the raven, her eyes were the primary focus. At least you'd say so if there wouldn't be everything on her that was stoppig you from focusing.

Once again you tried to refocus the main goal. You cursed yourself out mentally before inocently looking at Mikasa. Who was expressing a face that was showing literal question marks. "You okay?" she asked calm. You raised your head, blinking with your eyes.

"Oh me?" you replied questioning, "yes I am." you assured with a smile.

That reply took the dark haired female a stone of her own heart.

In the next moment you watched Mikasa paying for all the groceries. Pulling out the certain amount of money to pass it to the cashier. You kept your eyes on her, right now that was more interesting. Later you packed up everything together with her.

Wandering around through the stores was fun, but in certain on Mikasa's list was to go shopping for clothes. You followed her cluelessly

You went criss cross through the mall. Until there was one shop that caught your eyes. Where you found yourself suddenly in with Mikasa. She encouraged you to try different things. You took all kinds of clothes you liked out. Going to change— to hopefully find a combination that would match for your style.

You had a hard time together with Mikasa to pick one.

Various ideas and their ideas put forth looked strange or didn't fit as well as thought. Mikasa kept her eyes on you. Her gaze always started to flicker off. If it was only for seconds it happened still no matter how.

Trying out a couple of outfit it took some. A whole while, by every combiantion of a outfit that had passed you had lost more and more hop there would be one that happens to fit you in certain.

"No I don't think that fits you.." Mikasa said trailing off against the end of the sentence. You nodded at her opinion, she was right though not only because of her opinion it was like that, but it was true. That one hadn't been the one for you.

You had others opinions as a consideration, but yours was still most counting for your own good.

You took the last outfit idea you and her had. Taking it from the chair beside the changing room. Pulling the curtain back in it's original form.

As you changed in the things you picked you took a look in to the mirror. They seemed to fit—in your opinion. As you came out you immediately caught Mikasa's eyes. She felt speechless for a couple of seconds. Every word she wanted to speak out loud died on her tongue. Every time she did a attempt her voice cracked uo horribly before even starting.

You spinned around for the pure fun. As you looked her in the eyes you smiled. "What do you think?" you asked her curious. Your gaze was searching through the room trying to avoid hers if she'd say it looks bad on you.

But she did nothing like that. "It's amazing." she said, almost feeling her voice crack again. You went foward every step letting your heart beat faster. Her cheeks blushed in deep tones of crimson as you embraced her. The hug felt so warm, it felt like home. Mouthing a quiet 'thank you.'

— 🌙 —

"Oh my god.." you mumbled as you looked at the food again. Raising your head up to face Mikasa on eye level. Your eyes sparkled in the most beautiful way. You were excited and at the same time so happy.

The both of you had made a small break from all the shopping. You two decided to eat something—which happens to be muffins, yes muffins.

As she watched you there was a smile on her face— she didn't know why but the sight if you being happy was the best in that moment.

"This is swo tastwy!" you exclaimed accidentally with full mouth. It was more than audible theough how you spoke. Mikasa laughed at your actions, they were silly, but cute.

A light laughter that warmed your heart. Made it jump higher. Everything that was causing commotion seemed mufled for a moment. As she looked you in the eyes. You heart your heart beat was racing.

You shook your head shorty without her further notice. To concentrate on breathing, exhaling and inhaling.

"How about we make some ourselves?" she then suggested to you. You felt entirely excited about it only because she said it. That was exactly what had been on your mind. You even wanted to ask already, but you weren't brave enough to do so.

"You kidding?" you replied questioning, "I'd love to!"

——✧・゚: ★,。・::・゚☆
RAINEE's NOTE; Sorry🧍‍♀️ I believe to leave you with having some sort of a cooking session. Yeah.. I'm sorry. Hope you liked the clothing neutral chapter making it like u wear in that moment "a dress" or "OH yeaH no a suit would be better". You choose what to imagine :P

I promise it'll get better now hydrate and take care if yourself ^^ or I'll be quicker and get it to you in your sleep /j

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