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Feeling homesick wasn't new to you. You and Mikasa as well as the others had talked with much detail about it. They all agreed with it.

You wanted to go home and they told you they'd support it. You had told them about everything they would need to know.

Armin rose a brow upon the situation. He felt at first kind of irritated at how easy it seemed. His ocean blue eyes fixated directly on you. "So.. basically they only things you need to do at full moon is sitting out there and wait?" Armin asked as soon as he seemed to fully catch up with the explanation. He understood it at first actually pretty well—but he was unsure if it was that what you meant.

You nodded eagerly—agreeing with the blonde male. He was over all right. A bit of a not making sense to him details which he especially left out. In the cause of that he thought they weren't scientifically possible. His own thoughts were telling him it still was something that was not of this world.

"Nothing more?" he repeated to asl once more.

"Nothing more." you assured him.

You kept your sight on him. Breathing slowly as your gaze stumbled upon Mikasa. The raven female was standing beside the blonde who stood beside the brunette. That figure who was kind of giving you short holding glances that felt so sweet you wanted to keep it that way forever.

You felt your heart race. Pounding so loud, that you felt as if it was gonna explode. The sound made you feel irritated—it was irrational. You already had the fear that it was gonna be heard.

As Mikasa realized she kept looking at you she turned in the breakpoint of a second away. You felt emberrassed by the situation. Your cheeks filling with a hot feeling.

"You're actually pretty cool Y/n." Eren admitted with a half butted smirk. He jad crossed his arms standing there with a As he looked at you—you felt so many words that were spoken in silent in his eyes. You smiled brightly at him, giving him a small hug.

You whispered quietly, "you're also pretty cool, Eren." the brunette was surprised, but touched by these words deep on the inside.

You turned to Armin who was the second last to say goodbye too. You looked him deep in the eyes. Just thinking about nothing. There was just the blonde standing in front of you giving you a smile.

"It was really nice with you Armin." You smiled—the blue eyed male and you fell into s heartwarming hug. He had found you on a important spot in his heart again. Now seeing you would have to leave was horrible. Now it hurt to see you leaving in the time you had have it was making him upset yo let you leave.

The last thing he did was ruffling your hair. To you it felt so warm in your heart when he did that. Such gestures meant so much to you—as for him on a platonic stage. You didn't viewed him in some special way that involves romantic feelings—there was just this friendship you adored.

"I'm gonna miss you." He said smiling as he broke the hug slowly, not breaking how both of you had locked your pair of eyes.

You felt for a moment hesistation. Not that you wouldn't miss him, but how to express it. A small sassy smirk built on your lips. "Same buddy!" you said giving him a high five. The strength in it was something Armin felt seconds later as his own body realized the pain. He shrieked back and sighed.

You raised a brow curious, "is that rght how to use it?" you questioned. You tilted your head to the side.

He chuckled, "yeah it is" nodding slowly as you proceed to give goodbyes to the rest who happened to be only Mikasa.

Unexpectedly she pulled you into a long lasting thight hug. Your eyes were wight open as a natural reaction. You felt shocked taken back by such events. As you found tbe way back to regular breathing you nuzzled into her shoulder.

There was water blurring your sight—despite all of Mikasa's shoulder.
You felt how your eyes formed tears. All of it would be coming and you had no control over it—you just wanted the pain to end. Your heart ached in pain as it never did before and you despised your emotions in that moment.

You only wanted it to end, to end everything and turn your back to it. Not caring how it would happen, just let it happen. You clenched with your fingers on Mikasa's blouse. You didn't want to let go now.

"I'm ..gonna miss you." she said as her voice cracked slightly. That made it even harder for you to let go.

"I'll do too." you said before turning around. Your face was directed to the moon and the bright shining stars. Your home, but now you wanted to stay. What had been up with that

You held in everything for one entire minute. "And Mikasa.." you started, "yes?" she replied questioning rising a brow.

"I— forget it, that's gonna make it harder."

With that sentence they all disappeared out of the garden into the dark of the night.


"It didn't work..."

——✧・゚: ★,。・::・゚☆
RAINEE's NOTE; it's not the end yet <3

Sorry for the angst but I enjoyed it while listening to a cover of as the world caves in

Very sorry for such a strange chapter, but maybe you enjoyed??? I really got no clue. Maybe tell me if you'd like too! Thann you I'll update in a few ^^

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