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Two weeks had passed by, almost one and a half month had went by. Many things continued to roam in your mind. They would bother you in any free minute of the day, even late. They were overwhelming in different aspects, but also turning into more and more.

You decided to sit outside of the house. The backyard was a nice place to calm down your mind. The night that striked the day. The colors fading into each other while the first stars were able to be seen. While the sun said a well known goodbye like on every dawn the moon came out.

You had been sitting her since that happened. Watching the stars, the moon, just thinking about your own presence here on earth. At one point it always would happen. You were missing something deep down. You were homesick, longing to be home again.

"Oh dear moon.." you mumbled. You kept on hugging your knees, your grip thightend. You raised your head up into the sky. The stars shining brightly in the darkness of the nightsky. They stood out in a very special way.

You looked down to your knees. Your eyes falling on the green grass. That was shining with small dew that built itself already. "I miss you so much.." you admitted. Your heart ached at the feeling of homesickness. You smiled sadly at the sight of the moon. You felt numb, very sad, you couldn't bring up any happiness.

"I just wanna get home." you said without hesistation.

"The people here are so nice. They are welcoming and everything, but I know no matter how hard they're trying there's no place for me here. I don't belong here, it's not a lace I should have come in the first place. This all was a whole accident. First when I landed in the stone age where they could barely communicate with me and then in the middle age I was hunted down for using "witchcraft" and falling in love with someone of the "same gender". But now, I believe to think the same thing happens now. What if they find out about my existednce, what if what if, what if..." you spoke to yourself. You held you knees close. The thoughts that borthered you. They poured out of you, loosing the grip of your emotionals control.

You felt your eyes becoming wet. They filled with water and blinded your vision. You cried silently to yourself. The sniffs coming out of your mouth, in cause of that you couldn't get a hold of yourself.

Mikasa who wondered where you had been since you weren't in your room. She leans against the doorframe as she spotted you. Her eyes widening in realization as she noticed how you felt. A sick feeling overwhelming her now too. The sight of you was nothing she enjoyed, in fact it made her upset also.

She had heard what you had said. The words hit her as you said the out loud. Such a thing hit different especially since you were always smiling. Your breakdown was something she expected already, but now she certainly didn't want it to happen anymore.

She went forward, over to you. Her footsteps feeling heavier and heavier with every step she made. Her heart was seeming to be down in her stomach from how strange she felt. It had dropped- that was such a strange but intense emotion.

She stood beside you looking down. She didn't felt well as she saw you. She let her body fall down effortless in the grass. The spot beside you was cold, but you yourself were warm.

"You want to go home?" she asked suddenly. You gulped heavily and nodded. She didn't thought these words would affect her so much. She didn't felt like saying anything. There was a pause of silence between the both of you. A breeze of the wind brushing our cheeks.

You didn't know what to say either now. You exhaled slowly as you looked at her. Mikas's dark eyes were so calming, they gave you such a feeling you didn't wanted. "I really want to go home, but that's not because of you, Armin or even Eren. You all welcomed me with such genuine intentions after a while. I just really want to go back home." You told her in all homesty.

In the moment you turned your eyes away from her to look at the stars. Your throat felt dry . what if it had been the wrong words to express yourself? "You get what I mean?" you questioned her. The unsureness in your voice was clearly audible to you at least.

Mikasa looked at the stars. The cover of darkness in which the stars stood out were beautiful. She didn't really knew what to say besides agreeing with you. "No.. no I understand completely, I would feel the same if I wasn't where my heart belongs to." she anwsered.

"Thank you.. Mikasa." you said leaning against her shoulder. A last yawn coming out of your mouth before your mind escaped in the darkness of the unconsiouness self. Your eyelids becoming heavy while the color lost to the darkness.

——✧・゚: ★,。・::・゚☆
RAINEE's NOTE; definitely got bored;

YeH I wrote yesterday another one.
Fun fact, I thought this was sus cause I texted someone in German before and then I thought huh?? Wait isn't this the wrong language??

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