Chapter 5 - Going To The Doctors

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"What do you mean?!" Keith shouted at Kolivan. "What do you mean I have Galra blood?"
"I mean, you are part galra. It's the only way you would be able to activate your blade."
"How much Galra am I? Do you know? Did you know before we met? Why do I even have this knife? I need answers, Kolivan," Keith pleaded with the warrior. 
"You will get your answers in time, be patient, kit. Don't forget, you do have monthly medical visits on Earth. Perhaps you will find what you're looking for then." 

The rest of the day consisted of Shiro and Keith training. Shiro kept up his studies and skill while Keith was to train with the members of his new unit. Kolivan assigned Thace to be in charge of Keith, as he was a 'caretaker,' whatever that was. Keith trained with Regris in stealth and infiltration, Ulaz for gathering information and earning how to operate the Blades technology. Antonk would train both hand-to-hand and armed combat, while Thace thought him decoding, languages/cultures, and acting. Kolivan took time every day to teach Keith strategy after asking what he earned about the strategies others have used in the past based on what Thace had taught Keith that day. Shiro joined and trained with Keith whenever he was allowed to and helped with whatever he could. 

Keith was a quick learner, as everyone soon found out. It wasn't just that, he had sharper senses than even the other galra, who have extremely heightened senses and strength compared to humans. Keith was tested again and again by both his teachers and the other Blades at the base. They didn't know what to make of the newcomers, but they saw him as another Blade and respected his progress. Hours of training turned into days, day into weeks and soon a month had passed.

Keith, Shiro, Thace, and Regris were flying to Earth. It took hours, but once the planet was in sight, the flight seemed too short. They landed in the private landing strip where they left Earth a month ago. Admiral Sanda, Commander Iverson, Commander Holt, along with a few guards, were waiting for them. Keith and Shiro felt nervous, it had only been a month, but they were in a completely different part of the Galaxy during that time. They had gotten used to being around the other Blades and had settled into a routine. They weren't nearly as strict in the same ways as the Garrison, you could pretty much say whatever you wanted and do what you wanted as long as you got your job done. 

The group of four disembarked from their ship and walked over to their escorts. All four made the masks to their Blade suits on, as it was a secret of their location and the Garrison didn't want anyone to see them. The first thing to cross Keith's mind was Lance. How was he? Was he okay, or were the other cadets giving him trouble for being an omega? Keith let out a soft growl at the thought of his friend being bullied and picked on and hurt. Thankfully, the suits had scent blockers, even when someone's mask was down. This is because scents can reveal your intentions and location on a mission, so the collar went up to high enough to cover the scent glands on someone's neck, blocking their scent. 

But, the Garrison didn't have such a thing on their uniforms, and with Keith's heightened senses he could smell the nervousness coming from the Admiral and Commander Iverson. Commander Holt was afraid or nervous, he was... calming. Damn betas. Keith bet Sam knew exactly what he was doing, with that slight smirk he was trying to hind behind a welcome smile. The four stopped a few feet from Admiral Sanda, and her eyes narrowed on Keith.

"Welcome back, cadet."
"Let's just get this over with already," Keith responded as he walked past a stunned Admiral and Iverson to Sam. Sam just shrugged and walked with Keith and the others following behind him. They reached the medical wing and took a few more turns toward a private room with a one-way viewing window. Thace, Regris, and Shiro had to wait outside of the room with Admiral Sanda and Commander Iverson. There were guards stationed far enough away so that they wouldn't be able to hear any of the conversations but still be able to do their job. 

"So, Keith, how have you been?" Sam asked as he prepared some medical equipment along with a few other doctors in the room. 
"I hate small talk," Keith blankly responded, earning a chuckle from Sam. 
"Fair enough." 
"Why aren't you calling me out or something, as every other person with a fancy title in front of their name does here?" Keith asked.
"Please, I have two kids, I know what I'm doing. Besides, I do want to make sure you're comfortable and not so tense." Keith watched Sam and the other two doctors move around the room. When one of them tried to grab Keith's arm, he growled and made eye contact when the doctor looked up. 

The doctor froze, eyes wide. Something about looking into Keith's eyes was so... hypnotic, they could stare all day... 
"I don't like being touched by people I don't know," Keith said in a low voice. And the doctor obeyed as he moved away from Keith, never breaking eye contact. The others just watched the encounter happen, Sam taking notes for late study. He would have the camera footages to watch later as well, but he liked to take notes as things were happening to capture the moment and his exact thoughts. 

Keith broke eye contact first, noticing the silence. The doctor who was looking at Keith's eyes had their pupils constructed, and Keith's pupils were also constricted, but they looked more like slits than a circle. The doctor looked like he was coming out of a daze as his pupils slowly dilated and he came to. Everyone just looked at Keith, but he was confused as if he didn't even know what he was doing.
"Interesting..." Sam muttered as he grabbed a light and walked over to Keith.

"What's interesting?" Keith questioned. 
"Can you look at my finger?" Sam asked as he held up his finger in front of Keith. He then moved the little light this way and that, watching Keith's pupils constrict and dilate. Sam did a few more tests, some similar to the ones the Blades did. By the end of it all, Keith was exhausted, which was perfect considering Sam wanted to watch him sleep.
"What?" Keith asked after about a minute of staring at Sam. 
"I want to study your circadian rhythm." At the blank look he got, Sam explained. "Basically, I want to study your sleep-wake cycle."

And he did. The four spent the night and Keith was hooked up to a bunch of different machines as he slept. He was lights out the second his head hit the pillow after eating dinner with Shiro in the medical room. He woke up early, use to starting his day at an ungodly hour. When Sam walked in, Keith said no, and went back to bed for another two hours. Hen he woke again, Sam did a few more tests and then gave him the all-clear to leave.

~Time skip~

Sam was called into the Admirals office where Sanda and Iverson were waiting after he finished going over the results of Keith's check-up. 
"So, what did you find, Commander?"
"I believe he had the ability to make others bent to his will just by looking at them. Well, more accurately, once he makes eye contact, they freeze and he can tell them whatever without even having to use an alpha voice on them. His senses are beyond heightened, and his overall IQ is already at 187. He's smart but shy, and not in the scientist or mathematician kind of way. He can study social situations better than most professionals, pick up on the slightest change in body posture, scent, tone, all of it. He's strong, too. He was able to lift a 50lb weight in each hand. Quite impressive for his size, as your weight and age factor greatly into how much you can lift. Next time, I know it's dangerous, but I want to test out the effect he has on others. What scent range he has and how much control over it. That also includes testing out his alpha voice. After all, the more we know, the better, right?"

"Consider it done. As you said, the more we know, the better. We need to know what he can do, and how to counter him if he or another like him becomes a threat. We need to know what controls him. Include what scents affect him as well, what tastes bad, what sounds hurt, how much lighting he can take, what it takes to knock him out as well. The more we know, the better." Admiral Sanda said, and honestly, it made Sam a little nervous about what she had planned for Keith. What the Government of Earth, the universe, wanted with him.

Word count: 1525

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