Chapter 2 - Blade of Marmora

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Keith was taken by the guards to the meetings room, where Admiral Sanda, Commander Iverson, Commander Holt, Shiro, and a few other important-looking people were seated. They all turned to face Keith when he and his entourage entered. Shiro was the only one who would meet Keith's eyes, and the look he gave Keith was sympathetic. Admiral Sanda told Keith to have a seat, and as he did the guards positioned themselves around the room, hands on their weapons. Everyone was looking at Keith, some looked like they were expecting him to do something, others were clearly not trusting of him. Commander Holt looked like Keith was a puzzle he couldn't figure out. Shiro looked concerned. To say the least, the room had a tense atmosphere.

Keith decided he'd had enough of the silence.
"What?" He snapped at one of the Lieutenants who was eyeing him suspiciously. The guy snapped his head back like he was trying to get away from Keith, even though there was a table between them. Some of the officers instinctively reached for their guns, but we're told to stand down by Admiral Sanda. Commander Holt was the first to speak to Keith.

"Keith, I don't believe we've met before, I'm Commander Sam Holt, but you can call me Sam. You see, due to your status, the staff here has decided your future-" 
"Quick question," Keith interrupted, "what the hell is a pure-blood alpha and why are you all so freaked out about my being one? Ya scared of a 13-year-old or something?"
At this outburst, some of the people in the room looked ready to throttle Keith, others went pale, and Shiro pinched the bridge of his nose while shaking his head. 

"Mr. Kogane, you have no idea how dangerous you are," Commander Iverson said. "I  WWIII, pure-blood alphas were used to command entire armies to stand down. So little is known about them, other than they can command alphas and have extremely heightened senses. They were so rare that the second they were born, Kings would claim ownership over them. They were used as the ultimate weapon. Some reports even claim they could command, at the very least convince other species to bend to their will. Even if the other species wasn't affected by an alpha's voice like us humans are. They also claim to have other abilities, but no one knows what they are. Now do you get it, do you get why you're a danger? Why we brought you here today?"

"No, you still haven't told me why I'm here today." Keith shot back, ever the smart ass. Iverson's eye twitched, and Keith gave him a smirk he knew Iverson hated, from experience, of course. It was now Admiral Sanda who decided she had had enough of Keith's smart ass mouth.
"Mr. Kogane, there are a few conditions you have to follow if you want to continue to be a free citizen. We have talked with the Government of Earth and have come to a compromise. You see, they wanted to put you in a lab and keep you there to study you. We wanted to keep you here with us and continue your training, as you can be a huge asset."

"There is an elite group of people known as the Blade of Marmora, and we made a deal with them. You are to go with them and train to become one of them. You will do as they say and go on whatever mission they assign to you, and you will also go on missions we assign to you. In exchange, you will have monthly check-ins with Commander Holt here on Earth. You will willingly work with him to discover what abilities you possess and how you are different and similar to other humans. Lieutenant Takashi Shirogane has agreed to go with you to the Blade of Marmora's base while you train and report back to us about your progress. We will tell the other members of your class you were adopted by Lieutenant Takashi Shirogane, which is true, and have since moved away." 

Keith sat there in silence, trying to process what was happening. He was never going to see Lance again. He was going into space to be a, what, spy? Who the hell were these 'Blade of Marmora' people anyways? What kind of training was he going to be doing? He didn't want to be someone's test subject either. Wait, Shiro adopted him? Since when? Why would he...

Keith got so lost in thought that he didn't notice the people in the room waiting for his answer. He looked up at them, but didn't know how to react other than to ask, "When are you sending me away?" They gave him his answer, in a few days the leader of the Blade of Marmora would be there to bring Keith to their base, but he barely heard them. 

~Time skip~

Keith was waiting in a private landing strip with Shiro, Admiral Sanda, Commander Holt, and Commander Iverson. Too soon, a purple and black ship landed in front of the group. Keith was abnormally quiet the past few days, it was a little concerning. Shiro was worried he had lost his fight, he knew Keith went to a lot of families who wanted to adopt him, but in the end, they all sent him back to the orphanage. And now, he was being sent away again, and away from Lance, his first real friend nonetheless.

As members of The Blade stepped out to greet them, Keith finally looked up. One of The Blade members walked over to Keith to grab his bag and noticed Keith's knife. He quickly grabbed it and that's when Keith finally snapped.

"HEY!?!" Keith yelled at the guy. "THAT'S MINE! GIVE IT BACK!" Keith lunged for his knife, but the guy threw it to their leader and grabbed Keith's wrist. 
"He has one of our blades. Who did you steal it from?" The question was directed at Keith.
"I didn't, I've had it all my life. It's mine, so give it back!" Keith said as he slammed the heel of his foot into the man's and elbowed the guy in the stomach. 

Keith pulled out of the guy's grip and charged the leader, Shiro reaching out to stop Keith. Just then, Keith yelled in pain as a glowing purple whip was wrapped around him, pinning his arms to his body. The Blade who he elbowed was holding the other end of the whip and yanked Keith back. He fell to the ground, but moved himself up onto his knees, struggling to free his arms. After a minute of struggling, and one of The Blades trying to hold in a laugh, Keith stopped with a sigh and panted. The Blade with the whip walked over to Keith, reaching out with handcuffs to keep him under control. Big mistake.

As he got closer and reached out his hand, Keith whipped his head around. The Blade member didn't have time to react to Keith's speed, and Keith bit down hard on the hand that was holding the whip. The guy yelped and dropped the end of the whip, trying to pull his fingers free from Keiths teeth. Keith let go and quickly freed himself, the other Blade member bursting out with laughter.
"The kids got spirit! Haha, he showed you Regris! Hahaha!" 
Regris wrapped his arms around Keith's neck, putting him in a headlock while his tail pinned Keith's arms to his body. 

"Come on Regris, don't kill him quite yet," said another Blade member as they slapped the laughing one on the arm.
"Don't worry, just choking him out, he'll be fine."
Keith sure as shit didn't feel fine. He couldn't breathe, his vision started to blurred and he was seeing double. Black started to creep in from all sides, and the urge to stop struggling became overwhelming. He closed his eyes and distantly felt like he was falling. Then the darkness took over.

Word count: 1323

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