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-: fourth year :-


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The lowering sun cast over them in a magnificent mixture of pinks and oranges, the once clear sky now dotted with clouds that resembled pulled apart cotton candy. It was only just cooling down as they walked away from the spot under the small sycamore tree besides the river. 

Their hands hung between them, swinging forwards and back with each step they take. Jane's idea of a distraction had worked perfectly, and the drowning sensation that Harry had felt disappeared with ease. 

"I'll walk you to your house this time." Jane spoke up, breaking the comfortable silence that had hung between them as they began their journey home. The bag of leftover food and completely drunk pink lemonade hung besides her waist, and in her spare hand her shoes hung by the twisting straps.

"You don't have to do that. I'd much rather walk back to the Manor." Harry replied quickly. He had no idea what would happen if Jane turned up and Dudley was there - he didn't know what he would do if she got hurt. 

"Nope." Jane smiled, and the emotion clearly came through into her voice. "I have to make sure your aunt remembers you have Florence Adley on your side now... and there's a cat on Privet Drive and there's some leftover prawns in here." 

Harry laughed, and Jane joined in moments later. The Potter boy came to a stop, his hand running over her knuckles. One of the bracelets that so commonly sat around Jane's wrist and was way to big for her hung down and hit the top of his nail. 

"You're so.." His thoughts seemed to stop working then and he swallowed, unable to put his emotions and feelings into stilted words. "Sweet." He finished, revelling in the smile that appeared on her sunset-tinted features. 

There didn't seem to be a better word to describe how his feelings were towards her. She was voluntarily going to walk him to Number 4 Privet Drive to prevent him from getting into any trouble - trouble that he was far too used to and only contributed to the horror that she had seen in his eyes. 

Jane's gaze had slid away at the sound of voices, smiling when she saw a group of younger-aged kids playing in the shallower part of the river. It was so simple for them. 

When she looked back to Harry, she was considerably surprised to find him still watching her, a quiet sort of emotion hidden in his gaze. He was looking at her differently to usual, more care and happiness then how she had seen him at the river, or even how he looked at her when she was crying her eyes out on his shoulder the night before.

Silence hung between them as their eyes met, something conspiring between them that hadn't happened before. Simultaneous curls of excitment and anticipation of what seemed to be inevitably coming.

Something jumped in Jane's throat, her heart slowly beating quicker and quicker. She didn't quite know what she was doing, but soon enough she found her voice. 

"I think I'm right about this." Her voice shook only a little as she spoke. "So.. if you want.." Jane took a deep breath, gaze slipping down to the dogtag necklace that hung around Harry's neck. "If you want.. if you find me a four-leafed clover, I will kiss you." 

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