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-: fifth year :-


. . .

It was just before lunch when everyone else woke, voices audible downstairs and Harry and Jane deeming it necessary for them to join them. First, he waited for Jane to shower and change, hair hanging over a towel on her back as they made their way downstairs, where she sat quietly with Sirius for a few minutes as he cast several spells that Harry hadn't heard of - he wasn't really aware that there was a type of magic that would abide by that, but he knew that if anyone would know it it would be Sirius - and Jane joined him moments later, singing the praises of his grandfather and his hair potions. 

She kept the conversation light and breezy, which is what he needed - what they all needed - and ate up the soup Mrs Weasley served them as she recommended other flavours she had made in the past, what bread went best with them and if cheese was added to make it creamier which was best. Jane asked about Hogwarts in the Winter, recounted her visit to Hogsmeade and made a point of asking them about the Christmas decorations and traditions there, with Sirius chiming in with his own memories of staying there once or twice and playing numerous games of chess against McGonagall, who remained unbeaten. 

Jane was good at that, easily able to reassure them and keep their minds off things, calling them through to the hallway when their trunks had arrived so that they could dress like Muggles. Everybody except Harry was riotously happy and talkative as they changed into varied jeans and sweatshirts, Jane's own outfit was similar, although she had embroidery over the pockets and ankles of her jeans that flared out at the end and her jumper thick and knitted in thick pale green wool. She sat down at the bottom of the stairs to pull on the beaten-up trainers as she continued to talk to Ginny about her school and what they did there, eyes flickering across to a silent Harry every so often, knowing exactly what he was feeling. 

She had a grip on his hand as they greeted Tonks and Mad-Eye, who had turned up to escort them across London, gleefully laughing at the bowler hat Mad-Eye was wearing at an angle to conceal his magical eye and assuring him, truthfully, that Tonks, whose hair was short and bright pink again, would attract far less attention on the underground. Tonks also appeared to be very interested in Harry's vision of the attack on Mr Weasley, something he was not remotely interested in discussing and it showed through the hold on Jane's hand tightening with every question asked.

"There isn't any Seer blood in your family, is there?" she inquired curiously, as they sat side by side on a train rattling toward the heart of the city, Jane on the other side and listening half-heartedly. 

"No," Harry replied, sounding mildly insulted.

"No," Tonks repeated, musingly. "No, I suppose it's not really prophecying you're doing, is it? I mean, you're not seeing the future, you're seeing the present... It's odd, isn't it? Useful, though..."

Neither Harry nor Jane particularly agreed and thus, the former didn't answer. It was fortunate that they got out at the very next stop, a station in the very heart of London, and in the bustle of leaving the train, Harry made a point of letting Fred and George to get between himself, Jane and Tonks, who was leading the way. They all followed her up the escalator one by one, Moody clunking along the back of the group, his bowler tilted low and one gnarled hand stuck in between the buttons of his coat, clutching hiswand. 

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