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-: fifth year :-


. . .

d. February 14th 1996


I'm writing this very quickly before I go down to breakfast with Ron and Hermione. Nothing much to say except happy Valentines Day. I know it's rubbish that you're in London and I'm stuck up here and this probably won't even get to you until the end of the day. But, either way, I just wanted to  let you know I'm thinking of you. And I miss you... and happy Valentines Day.

Love you, 


"You need to stop moping, mate." Ron's arm swung over his shoulder, akin to the way Dean's did over Seamus when the latter wasn't spewing his Daily-Prophet-Propaganda shit exactly the way Umbridge and the Ministry wanted him to. "There's not really anything special about today, is there?"

"Talk to me when you get a girlfriend, Ronald." Harry almost rolled his eyes, hand scraping over Hedwig's head in the most comfortable movement he could manage at such an angle, before attaching the letter neatly to her leg and watching her fly off. "Then, you might know what this feels like." 

"It's just Valentines day." Ron scoffed, ignoring the dig at him. "Really, mate, what's more special about today than... I dunno, Easter? Hermione's explained it to me about a million times but how is it different. What is 'Christimanity'?" 

"Christianity." Harry corrected, but decided not to expand; it would be too confusing for him to even try. "And how am I supposed to ignore it when... this is happening?" He gestured around him, and as the Weasley to his right winced, turning to observe the Great Hall around them. 

Their first year at Hogwarts Valentines day had been... quiet. Then, in their second year, as soon as Gilderoy Lockhart dug his deceitful, manicured hands into the prospect to celebrating a holiday in exactly the way he wanted. Now, Hogwarts was a vision of pink, red and whites. Hearts and roses decorated every column, the ceiling was a haze of unseasonal sunshine and the layer of candles that lit their dining hall had been replaced with flower petals and glowing tea lights.

There was a cupid, too, buzzing around the Great Hall like an annoying fly as it sent arrows flying over the students and a basket with further pink and red letters being delivered as he went, singing old Celestina Warbeck songs from when she sang about romance in that sappy way Mrs  Weasley loved. Harry knew he was being, perhaps, a tad overdramatic, but it was an entirely shared feeling amongst many students that they would much like to spend an afternoon hurling curses at the cupid. 

"Everyone else finds it pretty easy." Ron gestured around them at the numerous students with their heads ducked down to try and avoid the gaze of the the frolicking cupid. Fred and George ambled up to them then, forever the double act, and slipped into the seats beside them. "No date for either of you then?"

"We're still at Hogwarts, Ronniekins." Fred hummed. 

"Plenty of dates left in the day." George said.

"I can never tell if either of you are joking." The younger brother grumbled, before patting a still slightly grumpy Harry on the back. "Come on then, we said to Hermione we'd be off soon."

"Not sticking round to see who we've asked to be Valentines?" George looked between them with a grin as the two fifth years stood up from the benches. "We'll give you a hint."

"Dark hair... wears a bit too much dark clothing for my liking." Fred continued.

"Bit too big of a nose for my liking, but we all have out faultss." George shrugged.

"And, as it so happens, he's our favourite Potion's teacher." Fred called after them. "And then, we might just do a bit of inquisit-"

And neither Harry nor Ron got to hear the end of his sentence; George elbowed him in the side,  hissing something about being too loud. The pair exited out into the Entrance Hall, joining the crowds of happy students headed towards the courtyard at which they would be released upon to Hogsmeade for their day of romantic celebrations. 

Hermione rushed to their side, appearing out of seemingly nowhere. "Do either of you two think you could be in the Three Broomsticks at about... noon?" She asked, without missing a beat. She seemed most out of breath, and was feverently glancing around as though she was close to capture. Then, after a moment, she frowned. "What's up with you?" She asked.

"Don't get him started," Ron let out a groan. "It's all I've heard all morning."

"About how Jane wasn't allowed to come up?" Hermione blinked. "Come on, Harry, you know why Mad-Eye and Dumbledore agreed on that."

"Actually I don't." Harry couldn't help the snappish tone; his head had been hurting all morning, and he was half sure it wasn't just because of the unfortuunate circumstances of the day. "And neither does Jane. That's the problem. Call me a sap... or an idiot all you want but excuse me for wanting to see my girlfriend on Valentine's day." 

"Just floo her, or something." Hermione shrugged. "Sirius has been doing it all year, why can't you just sort it out? Surprise her, tell her about the Howler Fred and George got Cupid to send to Snape."

"It was a Howler? And we missed that?" Ron sighed, but glanced to the side. "Harry - no."

But he was already turning around. "I'll see you guys in Hogsmeade." Harry said, a smile slowly growing on his face. "Noon, right?"

"Harry, they're watching the Floo Network-" Hermione began.

"I know." He nodded. "I know." 

And he made a beeline to Umbridge's office.

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