Chapter 10: Please dont see me

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As we approached the house I was surprisingly intimidated. This house was at least twice the size of mine, and mine is huge. This just made me more frightened. And a little confused, and I don't like to be confused.

"Exactly how many people live in this house?" I asked Jeremy when we got a little closer.

"Just me and my parents and my aunts and uncles and cousins and a few family friends. Oh and my sister, i think you'll like her!" He said with a laugh, "why do you ask?"

I couldn't hid the sarcasm from my voice, "because thats a big house and thats a LOT of people."

"Come on, please just try to stay calm, this could be fun. Please? For me?" He finished and i swear i could just hear the puppy dog look. Then he started tickling my neck with his nose and i just gave.

"Ok. Ok. You win! You win! Now let me drive so that we don't crash." I tell him laughing. He tightened his hold around my waist and then told me the obvious.

"But we're already here."

"I know. Lets go." I said so that we could get this over with.

We walked up to the door and right before i could run far far away, the door opened and out popped a little hipper brunet. She was about 5'5" and her hair was cut short up by her ears. She had bright brown eyes that reminded me of Jeremy and was skinny but not to skinny and you could tell that she was someone that could hold her own. She wore a tight tank-top and really short shorts. Her stance just screamed wolf and that just mad me want to bolt but i stood my ground for Jeremy but she still scared me.

"Hey Shea, this is Lucian, the boy I've been telling you about," Jeremy said and then looked at me, "Lucian, this is Shea, my little sister," he finished with the biggest smile on his face.

"Hi!!!" Shea said, the look of suspicion creeping into her eyes. I wonder what that was about. "Yeah I'm his awesome sister,"

"More like annoying," Jeremy said under his breath but loud enough that even a human could hear him. His sister gave him a pointed look and I chuckled slightly and this seemed to make her smile as well

"Hi there. I'm Lucian, but everyone just calls me Luccy so feel fee," she gave me a wearied look so i added, "it's ok. Really. Even my mom calls me it," them she smiled again and jumped for some reason.

"Ok 'Luccy' lets give you a tour and see if we can find mom and dad," she was way to hipper for her own good.

I walked into the house and it was white. I mean fully white from floor to ceiling and it reflected the sun so much that i hissed.

"Whats the matter?" Jeremy asked me, concern coloring his face.

"Nothing, im fine. Its just so bright in here it hurts my eyes," it wasn't a compleat lie but i wasn't going to tell him that it was burning my skin as well.

"Yeah, my family is really big on the hole bright theme. They say it wards off the evil that we have been fighting for centuries," he said it like he didn't care but he had a hard note to his voice and i think i know why that was.

"Yeah, i bet they do," i said knowing that i was what they were trying ti ward off.

"Well whats that supposed to mean?" He asked with the same hard tone in his voice.

"Nothing, never mind just drop it," i tell him dropping my head indicating that i wasn't going to say anything else on the subject.

"Come on!! Hurry up i'm not going to wait all day!!" Shea screamed from the top of the stairs which i didn't realized we had reached.

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