The demon and the dog

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"YELLO HELLO?! Anyone here?!" Cerena called out as she entered the station. Then she heard a voice come form the speakers. "Attention! A monster is in the station! Get to the garage now!" The speaker said as it turns off.

"OH GOD FUCKING DAMNIT!" Cerena yelled as she entered the cafeteria and found the red key. She found a door with a red lock on it and unlocked it to find the hammer. She went to a cell and broke the board down to see a blue key as she grabbed it. She unlocked a door with it before Piggy tried to attack her. "AGAIN SERIOUSLY?!?!" She yelled as she went to the crate and grabbed a battery and put it in the generator, it needed two batteries.

Next she grabbed the purple key, aiming to get a gun. She also grabbed the green key as she headed to grab the wrench, which she used to disable the lasers(to both upstairs and garage door) and get upstairs to the purple safe, unlocked it and got A GUN. "I found a gun!" She also spotted ammo and put the ammo in the gun as she noticed Piggy try to attack her but she shot her via said gun. 20 seconds means 20 seconds to get the yellow key and do anything to escape, which she did.

She unlocked the yellow safe to grab the white key and more ammo as she went to unlock the garage door to see a male dog. "Hurry! Find some gas so we can get out of here!" The dog said. "Well I'm gonna have to find another battery to do so, D!" Cerena said as she went to find the second battery. "Doggy!" The male dog, Doggy said in response to being called 'D'. She spotted Piggy again as she shot her with the gun. 20 more seconds to find gasoline, this should be easy for Cerena.

Cerena had already found the plank which is how she got to the garage but she found the second battery and went back to the generator to get the gasoline. She grabbed the gasoline and went back to Doggy. "Get in!" He said to her as she got in the car and they drove off.

"I do not want to go through that hell again." Cerena said. "Well your lucky I showed up on my day off, newbie." Doggy said. "And your lucky I brought fuel to the car, D." She said, not liking being called 'newbie'. "Touché, C." He said, deciding to call her by the first letter of her name as payback for her calling him by the first letter of his name. "Man, we seriously need to find out what's going on." Doggy stated. "I know right!? I saw that thing back at the house the pig guy disappeared to!" Cerena responded. "You mean Georgie Piggy, right?" He asked. "...Yeah..." She replied. "Still, we need to find out what caused this. You haven't gotten your detective skills yet, have you?" Doggy asked. "No..." Cerena trailed off.

There was silence until-

"Hey C?" Doggy asked. "Yeah?" Cerena looked at him. "How much gas was in that can you gave?" He asked. She quickly realized it wasn't enough to get them out of here.

"Oh for fu-"

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