The tale

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Cb looks at Cerena. "I guess I can show you what happened before the infection started." She says as she plays a video tape of the arrest back before the infection started.


Past Cb and Doggy were at a alley. "Alright detective, you better be right about her being here." Past Doggy said to Cb. "My investigation led me to this place, I'm sure she's here." Past Cb said. They both went into the alley. "Let's make this arrest quick, then!" Past Doggy said as Cb went to look for things to help her find 'her'. Of course, a racoon was in the way and attempted to attack her. "Your not getting Willow!" The racoon said as he swung his crowbar at Past Cb. She blocked it at the last second as Past Doggy tasered him.

Past Cb had grabbed a red key and unlocked a door as she went to grab the orange key and unlocked a door before she grabbed a battery and opened a purple safe. "Hey, Doggy!" She shouted out. "Yeah?" Past Doggy looked at her as the racoon attacked him. "Have this!" She shouted as she threw the battery at him to help him stun the racoon. She grabbed some scissors and cut the tape off. 

She grabbed a yellow key and a blue key aswel as a mop before she unlocked a door and cleaned up some wet stuff on the floor. "6." Past Cb said as she went to grab the green key. "1." She said as she went to unlock a door. She grabbed a battery to give to Past Doggy as the racoon attacked her. "You aren't getting away with this cop!" The racoon yelled before Past Cb gave the battery to Past Doggy as he stuns him.

She then unlocked a yellow safe to get a screwdriver as she went and put the code in. 126 was the code. Past Willow spotted them. "Ah!" She cried as she attempted to escape from them but failed until she got to the vent and went in. Past Doggy and Cb saw this. "...For once I never saw a criminal fail this badly." He said. "Agreed." She said as they both cut through the tape and stop at the wet floor.

"Oh man, we forgot the mop!" Past Doggy said as he- "Well if we want to save time..." Past Cb slowly walked over the wet floor. "You can just walk over it." She finished. "How did you do that?!" He asked. "Well you just walk over it, not run." Past Cb said as he went over the wet floor. "Huh. Nifty." Past Doggy said as they both went to the door of the room Past Willow was hiding at. "Oh we forgot a white key!" He said. "I can just kick the door down." She said. "...Okay fine." Past Doggy said as Past Cb kicked the door down.

Past Willow backed up into a wall. "Willow, you are under arrest for stealing food and other supplies from all over the city!" Past Doggy said. "I was only trying to feed my family, please!" Past Willow shouted. "You know the laws, Willow. I'm sorry." Past Cb said as the racoon snuck up from behind them. "Stand down, Rash. It's not worth it." Past Willow said to Rash. "What? Why? They'll take us away!" Rash stated. "We'd rather do that than take you out." Past Doggy said. " haven't seen the last of us!" Rash yelled.


The two walked down the hallway. "This really doesn't feel right." Past Cb said. "I know what you mean. Unfortunately, it's the way things have to be." Past Doggy said. "But..isn't there anything we can do about it?" She asked. "We all have a role to play, Cb. We do things because we have to, not because we want to. Now let's get out of here." He said as he walked down the hallway.

"Are you coming, Cb?"


And then the video tape ended. "And that's how me and Doggy arrested Willow and Rash." Cb said. "That is...I have nothing to say about it-" Cerena stated as the two went out of Cb's room and outside the safe house. Zee and Zuzy were playing with Georgie as the others talked about something. "Come on, Georgie! Why can't you keep up with us?" Zuzy asked. "I'm one pig against two zebras, what do you expect?!" Georgie said. "Oh, nice to see you two out of there." Pony said. "Yeah yeah I know..." Cb said. "Where are you two going?" Cerena asked.

"Remember that old radio we found from one of our supply runs?" Mimi asked. "Yeah...? What about it?" Cerena asked. "Can we get it working?!" Clowny asked from hearing this. "Yep! We just need to find some batteries for it." Mimi said. "Pony and I are going to the store to get some. Do you want to come along?" Zizzy asked.

"....Sure why not. Let's go!"

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