"ArE yOu EvEn SuRe ThIs Is A gOoD iDeA, mArIe?" Austin asked Cerena. "Yeah, I'm sure. We're going to have to look for that cure, then find the others. We've been through worse, Austin. We can do this." She reassured him. "I gUeSs I'lL tRuSt YoU." He said as the two made their way to try and find the cure. A shadowy figure tried to attack the two but before it could, Cerena managed to kick it at the side. Soon, the two went though the door to the room where the cure was in...
and decided to help Tigry, he was overpowering Willow anyway.
"Thanks for helping me back there, you two. I honestly don't think I could have knocked her out without the both of you." Tigry stated. "Look, we had to do the right thing, Tigry. You've been through so much already, I'm sure of it." Cerena replied. "Yeah... but since you've both decided to help me, it's only fair that I repay the both of you. Take the cure." Tigry bluntly stated. "hUh?!" "Wait what about your friend??" Austin and Cerena were dumbfounded by this choice. "I came all this way to save a friend. Little did I know, two new friends would end up saving me. So take it." Tigry said. Cerena and Austin gave a glance at each other before looking back to Tigry. "I... I don't know what to say, besides thank you, Tigry." She smiled. "Save your thanks." Tigry said. "LeT's JuSt FiNd ThE oThErS.." Austin said, walking away. Cerena was about to follow before she looked to Tigry. "You coming or?" She asked. "I guess so. You've both proven to me that sticking together can be real helpful. Let me grab the cure and let's go." Tigry said as he grabbed the cure. "Sounds good to me!" Cerena said as they went to catch up with Austin.
The three managed to spot Pony! "Heya Pony, have you seen the others?" Cerena asked. "Nope, my guess is they went back outside for some reason, because the elevator cart doesn't seem to be on this floor." Pony said. "Well that sucks. We can still get to the elevator before-!" Before she could finish, an explosion went off. "The hell was that noise?!" She asked. "My charges... we need to get out of here. Get to the elevator!" Tigry said. "You don't have to tell me twice!" Cerena sadly spoke too soon...before she and Tigry could even get to Austin and Pony, rubble came down, trapping Tigry but crushing her to death. "MARIE!" "The cure!" Pony had to grab Austin's arm to keep moving forward until more rubble fell and trapped them. "dAmNiT! wE'rE gOdDaMn TrApPeD iN hErE!" Austin yelled, he was...for the first time in his life...having a mental meltdown. He couldn't save his sister...again...he must be a bad brother then... "I was hoping to at least feel fresh air before I turned." Austin looked towards Pony with a look of despair and disbelief on his face. "...wHaT..?" He felt like he was breaking down. "Sorry, Austin. You're trapped in here with an infected." Pony said. "nO, sHuT uP, YoUr MeSsInG wItH mE- rIgHt? RiGhT?!" Austin's pupils turned to pinpricks as he gripped Pony's shoulder a bit too tightly. He didn't flinch at the pain, only giving a sorrowful smile. "No, I'm not. I was attacked at the docks. I thought I could fight it off, but here I am... I can't even move my legs anymore." Pony said. This only fueled Austin's desperation more. "i'Ll CaRRy YoU iF I HaVe To, DaMnIt!" He yelled, attempting to get up but due to the fact he was trembling, he fell back down to his knees. "I don't think you understand... I'm infected. I'm not getting out of here, even if there was a way out." Pony said, maintaining eye contact. "No DaMnIt ThERe HaS To Be A WaY oUt-! YoU cAn't JuSt LeAvE ME hErE-!" Austin felt like crying, his voice was glitching very badly. "It's my time. I've had lots of fun going on these ridiculous adventures with you and Cerena, Austin." Pony said. Austin looked at where Cerena was crushed and felt any remaining hope just crumble into dust...only spotting her limp arm sticking out...he finally let the tears fall down as he sat next to Pony, his pupils returning to normal size as they dull to a gray-ish color. "...i FoRgIvE yOu...FoR eVeRyThInG rEaLlY." He stated. "It's going to take much more than your forgiveness for me to forgive myself." Pony said. Silence filled the air... "Isn't it crazy how far we've gotten? I mean, look at this. We were so close, we were almost there, weren't we?" Pony said with a sorrowful smile on his face. Austin nodded. He...had an idea of sorts...
"iF yOu TuRn...Is It PoSsIbLe To InFeCt Me ToO?"
"Not like I would have any control over my body once I turn.."
"jUsT aIm FoR tHe HeAd. It'S tHaT eAsY."
"...i DoN't ReAlLy LiKe ThIs..."
"I would say same but... At least I get the honor of spending my last moments by your side."
"AgReEd...I'lL mIsS yOu.."
"I'll miss you, too."
Pony closed his eyes as the infection took over his body. Austin noticed this and stood up, expanding his arms out, keeping his eyes tight closed.
He felt blood trickle down the wound on his forehead, feeling lightheaded, collapsing onto the ground. But it's fine, Austin...afterall...
two siblings, one together
Horror{WARNING! As this is a AU of a roblox game called Piggy, there will be Blood, Body horror, and other things piggy shows that may scare you. If you dont like these things, please dont read this book instead of reporting it and complaining about it to...