The safe house

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"That, my friends, is our safe place." Cb stated. "They'll be pretty surprised that we found some survivors." Zizzy said. "Well, what are we waiting for?" Foxy asked. "Let's find a way to get in!" Clowny said. "Oh we go again..." Cerena sighed. "You went though this twice?" Clowny asked. "No I mean I went through hell and back all because of finding things to get out and losing a friend to the infection." Cerena simply stated before she went to find a green keycard to open a lock to get the orange keycard.

She handed it to Foxy, who dashed his way to where the orange panel was to open it and grabs a yellow key to open the yellow safe aswel as a blue keycard which he hands over to Clowny, who would find the place the blue keycard would go and open it to grab the red keycard in which he handed over to Cerena. "Why is there a pool in a building." She asked before finding the red panel and opening it to find some grass and a wrench. She gave the grass to Zizzy who would stun Grandmother for 20 seconds as Elly attacked them but Foxy swung his knife at Elly, stunning her for 20 seconds aswel.

Cerena used the wrench to disable a panel to let them past before realizing there were TWO panels to disable and the last panel was covered by a board. She sighed before going back and grabbing the carrot to give Pony to get the board off the panel so that she can use the wrench on it.

Foxy, however, grabbed dynamite and exploded the entrance to a shop while Clowny grabbed a plank to place to make a path between the roof of the building he's on and the other building. Foxy grabbed a fire extinguisher to make sure the fire is out. Foxy went to the roof where Clowny is to help him get the code before Cerena just grabs the keycode before tossing it to the two. "Your turn mate." She said. "You know British?" Foxy asked. "Wh- NO!" Cerena's voice distorted for a second but thankfully nobody noticed. The three of them went to the gate and use the code to unlock it.

"So, you three... What were you guys doing before all of this?" Zizzy asked. "Me and Foxy were the circus!" Clowny said. "I was a police officer looking for someone-" Both Cerena and Cb say at the same time before realizing something. "...You were the newbie with the mask?" Cb asked. "Yes...?" Cerena answered. "You were sent a case to find Georgie Piggy!" Cb said. "Well Doggy told me about you so we're even!" Cerena stated while Foxy sighed. "What about you two, huh?" He asked Pony and Zizzy. "I was trying to become a optometrist like my father." Pony said. "And I was a fencing coach. I even taught my little sisters. I'm so relieved that their safe here with me." Zizzy said. "Huh. That's nice" Cerena said before glitching a bit. "WiSh My SiStEr DiDn'T fOrGeT mE." She(?) whispered to herself before glitching back. "Yeah..." Pony trailed off. "That reminds me. C- I mean, Cerena, How'd you end up in the carnival? Me, Zizzy, and Pony heard you were looking for Mr. P." Cb asked. "You can call me 'C' if you want Cb." Cerena said before sighing. "Mr. P's been giving out potions...they turn you into the infected. I need to stop him from doing this." Cerena stated. "Damn, girl." Cb said. "You guys should at least stay here for a little. We can help you guys find him." Zizzy said.

Just then something hits the dumpster. "W-What was that?" Pony asked. "Who's going to find out what that is?" Cb asked. "I will." Cerena said. "I'm coming with you." Zizzy said as she followed Cerena.

"Stay safe..."

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