Chapter 5: Immortality Serum

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Darkness Talking

No One POV

Lincoln was back at his secret space with Clyde's dead body in his hands. He couldn't help but smile at the memory of how he killed Clyde and how it felt so good and easy to do it the feeling tearing apart another human being and then being at his mercy felt exhilarating. The adrenaline rush of seeing the life live sides eyes made him feel alive.

"How did it feel to kill for the first time" The Darkness said.

"It felt exhilarating the feeling of tearing down another human being and them being at my mercy felt so empowering" Lincoln thought/said as he walked through his secret base.

"Good I'm so happy you enjoyed your first kill it's going to get easier to kill as well soon you won't hold any mercy and let's not forget the downfall of Royal Woods is just around the corner" The Darkness said proudly. Lincoln couldn't help but chuckle after so much planning and organizing it was almost time for his revenge.

"You are right after so many years of planning my revenge is finally going to happen soon I'm so excited I can't wait to see the look on my ex family's faces" Lincoln thought/said. He can only imagine the looks on his ex family's faces when they see him again. He can't wait to finally the end their miserable lives.

"Me to they're going to look so helpless it will be funny" The Darkness said happily.

"We can't get too excited though because we still a lot of work to do" Lincoln said/thought.

"You're right so much work and so little time" The Darkness said. Soon Lincoln finally made it to the lab and he saw Lilly waiting for him.

"I see you got the dead body we need for the super deadly animal that we're making"  Lilly said happily.

"Yep I did and make sure the animal doesn't get memories of his human life back" Lincoln said in a very serious tone of voice.

"I will b-boss" Lilly said she was honestly very scared. Lincoln handed the body to Lilly and she ran off to start on the animal. When she left Lincoln looked at the readers.

"Hey readers it's good to see you the first phase of my plan is finally starting I hope you all are ready for the rides of your lives" Lincoln said as he walked through the lab so he can go to the serums part of it to check on his immortality serum.

"After years of planning it's finally happening my revenge is finally taking form and I appreciate you all being here for this journey" Lincoln said.

"After so many years of training with the darkness after preparing carefully it's finally time for my plan to start" Lincoln said and smiled. Before Lincoln could say anything else Dante ran up to him.

"Boss it's finally done your immortality serum it's finished phase one can it finally officially start and your revenge can finally happen" Dante said and he was clearly excited about all this.

"That is great news take me to the testing chamber right now" Lincoln said happily. Dante grabbed his arm and started to pull him to the testing chamber. When they finally got to the testing chamber Levi and Alex were already there waiting for them.

"This is so exciting broski you can finally become immortal"  Alex said to Lincoln.

"Yeah this is the best thing ever and we are the first scientist to ever make an immortality serum so this is not this exciting for you it's exciting for us as well" Levi explained. Lincoln couldn't help but feel proud of his scientists. Everything was finally coming together thanks to his awesome team of scientists.

"Yes this is extremely exciting but enough talking give me the serum" Lincoln said he was honestly excited himself. Dante grabbed the immortality serum and carefully handed it to Lincoln.

"Careful boss even though this is extremely exciting it is still very dangerous you could die instantly as well because of how dangerous this Serum is" Dante said.

"I know but it is a risk I'm willing to take" Lincoln said in a very serious voice. Lincoln started to drink the serum making Dante Levi and Alex hold their breath worried about what was going to happen. After Lincoln finished the serum he started to cough up blood he felt a lot of pain go through his body at once and he started screaming and agonizing pain. Blood was coming out of his eyes nose and mouth it felt like his bones were breaking. He felt the worst pain he ever felt in his life his heart was starting to be very fast it felt like his ribcage was being crushed at the same time. Tears came out of his eyes as he felt like his skin was being ripped off his body. He felt like he was going to pass out due to pain but he had to stay strong because he is not going to die not without killing his ex family.

He fell to his knees trying to not passed out because of the pain. He started to see his life flash before his eyes. It was like every moment in his life started to appear at once making him more angry because he saw all the horrible things his family done once again. He clenched his fist he was not going down he refused.

"Boss are you okay" Levi said while Alex was calling you some of the medics. Lincoln cannot even speak because of how much pain he was going through but he nodded. After what felt like hours Dr. Lee Dr. Ted Dr. Edward and Dr. Orthara came rushing in.

"Okay Boss we are here to help don't worry" Dr Lee said. Dr. Ted picked up Lincoln and brought him to the infirmary and other doctors followed him same with Dante Levi and Alex. They laid him down on a stretcher and got to work. Dr. Lee grabbed some pain relievers and a drink and take it with. Dr. Ted and Dr. Edward grab the liquid pain relievers while Dr. Orthara was sitting Lincoln up so he doesn't choke on his blood. Dr. Lee gave him an IV and soon Dr. Ted and Dr. Edward got the liquid pain relievers and attached it to the ivy. Soon Lincoln was finally in a stable condition and he finally passed out.

(3 hours later)

Lincoln woke up feeling like he got hit by a bus. He looked around the Infirmary everyone was standing around him.

"We thought you died man" Alex said and he was clearly super worried for his boss.

"I am fine Alex" Lincoln said calmly.

"You needa check in the immortality serum worked" The Darkness said to Lincoln.

"You are right" Lincoln said/thought. He made black smoke appear and it form a knife and he gave it to Steven.

"W-Why did you give me a knife" He asked nervously.

"We needa check if the immortality serum worked so I need you to stab me in the heart now" Lincoln said in a very serious tone of voice. Steven nodded he felt very nervous about this but he had no choice so he shakily held the knife over his head and plunged it into Lincoln's heart then took it out. Lincoln felt a lot of pain and felt like passing out again but his body didn't let him currently assigned the serum was working. Him and everyone else looked on the electrocardiogram and his heart was still beating surprisingly.

Lincoln looked at his chest to see that the stab mark was healing up quickly. That made him smirk the serum worked he was Immortal now and now there is now no one that can stand in his way getting his revenge. The military FBI government and the cops won't be able to do anything about it.

"Brace yourselves Royal Woods cuz a storm is coming and there's nothing you can do about it" Lincoln thought the downfall of royal woods was at hand and no one will be able to stop him now.

Hey everyone I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm very hard on this story and I hope you are liking it so far see you in the next chapter bye.

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