Chapter 8: The Beginning Of The End

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Darkness Talking

No One's POV

It was a normal day in the town of Royal Woods everyone was doing their jobs and it was the weekend so kids were playing outside. Everything was perfectly normal for everyone but the loud family. The reason for that is Lily has been missing for 2 weeks and they don't know where she's at so they've been putting missing posters everywhere and they went to the police about her as well it was not a good time for the family. The scene changes to inside the loud parents room.

"Where could my baby girl be" Rita said in a really worried voice. She hasn't been taking care of herself that well since Lily disappeared. Her hair was messed up her makeup wasn't done and her clothes were a mess.

"I don't know dear but I promise we will find her" Lynn senior told his wife. He was trying to cheer her up as best as he could but all the stuff he's been doing is not working.

"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND LYNN WE ALREADY LOST HIM NOW WE LOST LILY WE'RE BAD PARENTS DAMN IT OUR PROMISES DON'T MEAN SHIT WE PROMISED WE WOULD NOT TREAT ANYONE OF OUR KIDS LIKE HOW WE TREATED HIM BUT WE FUCKING DID WE PROMISED TO FIND OUR SON BUT WE DIDN'T LYNN SO DON'T SAY YOU PROMISE RIGHT NOW WHEN WE KNOW THAT IS AN EMPTY PROMISE" She while tears filled her eyes. It was true their promises didn't mean anything at this point. They treated Lily the exact same way they treated Lincoln without even realizing it. She was the butt of everyone's joke she was like a slave to the kids that still lived in the house she constantly got punished for things she didn't do and so much more just like Lincoln.

Lynn Senor became really quiet because he knew what his wife said was true. Honestly he resented Lily a little bit because of how much she acted like Lincoln and he didn't need the reminder of the person he failed. They even promised each other not ever to say his name again because of how much it hurts bringing up the past. He couldn't help but to look down feeling like the worst dad ever.

Soon both of the parents heard a knock on their bedroom door and they opened it to see Lana looks horrified and also she had a huge scratches on her face and one of her arms looks like it almost got ripped off. Her clothes were also ripped up pretty badly with a lot of other claw markings all over her there was even a very deep bite mark on her leg.

"M-Mom Dad you might w-want to see this" The girl stuttered and left the door way. The parents felt really worried about their daughter so they followed her. When they got to the living room they heard loud banging on the front door like something was trying to get inside but the only thing that was keeping the door from flying off its hinges were the table and chairs that were in front of it as a barricade to keep whatever outside out. The same thing with the back door can be said as well. All of their daughters were in the living room and they looked scared even Lucy was showing a bit of fear as well and she is known to not any emotion.

"What's going on Lana and why are you hurt" The Loud Father said the twin.

"Well it all started when" Lana began to say.


We see Lana eating some unknown thing with Charles, Walt, Geo, Cliff and all of her other crazy animals she has gotten over the years. Surprisingly the pets did not die yet because they're about ready to be of the age where Lucy would be planning their funerals.

"Oh that food I found in the garbage was so good" She said happily lately she has been playing and just hanging out with the animals more to ignore her own grief and sadness of her youngest sibling disappearing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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