Chapter 6: Getting Lily

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Darkness Talking

No One POV

Ever since Lincoln drank the immortality serum he has been experiencing some weird side effects of the serum. He felt some pain from after he drank it of course and he did pass out but because of the serum it seems like he got more muscular taller and stuff like that. He didn't really think much of it it was probably just some weird side effects that won't be wearing off anytime soon so he didn't mind the side effects.

But now wasn't the time to be thinking about the side effects of the serum everything for his revenge has been put into place. His powers are the strongest they can ever be. He has a whole entire Army prepared to murder anyone and everyone in their way. He has a demon dog and other demon animals that are ready to devour souls of any human they come in contact with. He also had the deadliest Machinery known to man at his fingertips everything was coming together. The last thing he had was his secret weapon that he won't be unveiling unless he really needs to.

"Everything is finally coming together perfectly" He said with a smirk he has not felt this good in so long that it was refreshing for him.

"Yes Lincoln it is the one thing we need to do is take your little sister away from your ex family because she wasn't involved in any of this I maybe evil but I know she's innocent" The Darkness said and Lincoln nods.

"You're right also she's probably asleep since it's night time so I can probably teleport to her and just quickly grab her" Lincoln said.

"You know it's not going to be that easy because she might still be sharing a room with Lisa and you have still a couple of your family members in that house to deal with so you're going to have to be very careful sneaking around and getting her" The Darkness pointed out.

"True also it's going to be a little confusing having two Lillys around I have my little sister Lily and my worker Lilly" Lincoln sighed already feeling the headache about having two people with the same name around.

"Lol good luck with that" The Darkness teased.

"Shut up will ya" He growled in annoyance. The Darkness just laughed at how annoyed he was.

"Anyways I should get going to get Lily" Lincoln said changing the subject. Before he went to get Lily he went into an empty room snap his fingers. The room instantly was decorated with a lot of stuff just for Lily.

 The room instantly was decorated with a lot of stuff just for Lily

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(Lily's soon to be room)

"Wow Lic you sure know how to make a room for a little girl" The Darkness said a little shocked.

"Well I do try my best and I have a feeling she likes the color purple so this is what I made for her" He said with a soft smile he hoped his sister remembers him after all this time but he doesn't want to be too hopeful since she was just a baby when he ran away.

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